Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Slides and photos need to come back so they can be sent off with the appropriate applications asap.
When one is at a friend's house at four in the morning, and four girls are sitting around talking, much is revealed. I'm serious! Like, one of these days, someone'll blurt out the cure for the common cold or the end to world hunger!
But we were satisfied with girlie subjects. Like how we'd like to be proposed to, etc. Also watched RotK. Whee, Billy and Dom! And anyone else that might be physically gorgeous.
One regular week of school, then MLK Day, then exam week, then inservice Friday...
I won't be doing jack all week! Not that that's a bad thing, but for two of those days my sole purpose is to take up space and oxygen while a few poor saps in all of my classes take exams.
How long does it take four girls to find a shirt that they all like? According to my sister, four hours. But she came home bearing tidings of prom dresses. So I threw my hair into a ponytail, grabbed my keys, and headed toward the mall. Found a lovely emerald green dress a la Marilyn Monroe, but it was $130, not on sale, and frankly, I don't have that much money for a dress at this time.
And it turned 6 right as we were leaving the last store for the night
heading to the car and because I was dragging my sister around, mall security started harrassing us about the youth escort policy. Naturally, we were at the opposite end of the mall than the car, so we had to walk
around the building, in the cold to the Belk parking lot. Grr.