Monday, March 20, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Gah! Chicken herpes!

Well, they've cancelled classes for the rest of the day due to some alleged thunderstorms that have yet to show up (2 hours late, *tsk tsk*). But I'm not gonna complain. Just gives me an extra two weeks to finish my lab report, and almost as long to finish a Concept and Form assignment.
Congrats to the Madison Academic Lady Mustangs for getting to the state tournament. Very impressive, I might have to make the trip to Murfreesboro Saturday if they advance to the finals.
Ummmmmmm ... So how about USJ? Man, it's like all the bad karma they've been building up is manifesting itself this year. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, pay a visit to the Jackson Sun archives.
And, um ... Spring Break in 27 hours! Woot!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

There are children in Hungary who would've taken that pop-tart.

So it's the week before spring break *little dance* and I've had the requisite pre-spring break meltdown. Actually, I foresee another one in the near future, probably tomorrow night or Tuesday morning. Or at least a case of sleep-deprivation. Why did I put off doing my research paper? Why?
We'll see how this goes ...