Friday, April 28, 2006

Generally speaking, it's okay to eat fluffy pink blobs.

Semester project: done. Physics test: done. English paper: ... I'll let you know about that one ...
So I'm finally done and my fingers can start healing. I think I may have introduced some pastel into my bloodstream via a few papercuts I received while blending the other day ... Meh. Pin-ups were today. I think I got what I wanted - interest, but not quite enough to send me to jury.
Dennis has pretty much determined that skipping classes early this semester has doomed him to academic suspension. The bad kind. The kind where you can't take classes anywhere - not even a community college - for a year. There's a GIANT "I told you so" wrapped up in there somewhere ...
And yes, I can say "I told you so" ... I've only skipped one class this semester.
But yeah, I'll be working on my English paper this weekend. Hopefully I'll do better than a B- this time. I hate comp. I can do literature, I just hate writing useless papers about how family/feminism/race is portrayed/confronted in a certain set of literary works.
Next time on "Meredith Updates Everyone on Her Life" ...
Will Dennis get to stay in Starkville?
Will Meredith finish her research paper with time to spare?
Will there be a professor fight in juries?
And why was there a pair of fingernail clippers in the washing machine?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tickle torture - great for building strong abs.

I have food again! :D
And I have my housing assignment for next year. Same room, lovelies! Which means I'll already know the fun little quirks that come with it. Like how maintenance can't fix the toilet or the A/C to function quite right, and that I should turn on the fan after sunset and the A/C after noon. Otherwise it's unbearable in here.
So anyway, about half an hour after I get back from dropping off the lease on a storage unit and getting groceries, Dennis calls me asking if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart. Translation: "I'm low on gas and I'd like to know if you would take me to Wal-Mart." And being the nice person I am (plus the fact that he's really pathetic when he needs food), I say okay.
Of course, during this little outing he starts talking about how sketchy his grades are looking (again - that's what happens when you skip class), even though he's been doing a lot better since midterms. And how he hopes he gets to stay so he can change his major in the fall, and even if he doesn't get to come back, that he'll stick around (already has an apartment for about a year, so why not?) and work.
... The Dance of the Sugarplumb Fairies is playing outside ... weird ...
Whatever. Depending on how his day goes today, I might get invited to share some of his Chili's gift card for supper. Lava cake. Yesh, lovelies ...
Anyway, stuff and junk. I should be packed up and back in J-town sometime around the 12th of next month. It's time to go screw around at the studio.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Ganked from Adri, who ganked it from someone else. I hope I actually see what hatches this time, I did this before, and when the egg hatched, all I could see was "Image hosted by Angelfire." :P

Monday, April 17, 2006


And we're back. Crunch time in the land of the bulldog, especially at Giles Hall. I must say, however, that my food supply is looking pretty weak right now, so tomorrow I've got to get some groceries after Concept and Form. Dennis is fine, besides being low on food, too. We had a long conversation the other night about chinchillas and microbiology. Basically, he wants to get one and major in the other. So anyhoo, that's what's going on. Oh, so exciting.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


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Link: The Childlike Wonder Test written by seraphimjezebel on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Looking over the edge at a three-day weekend

6 a.m. rolls around. I look with a sense of satisfaction at the neat stack of print before me -"Dilsey Gibson vs. Caroline Compson: How the Negative Outweighs the Positive." With three hours to spare (three hours that will be divided between napping, eating, and a shower) I have my research paper. I guess technically I pulled an all-nighter, but I did have an accidental nap between 9 and 12 last night.
I'm looking forward to getting this turned in, spending a little time with Dennis before I drive home tomorrow morning, and hopefully seeing everyone in J-town.
Yeah, just thought I'd blog for whatever reason.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Now with enough sugar to give a hummingbird diabetes!

Back from New Orleans! Nobody got arrested, and only one person threw up on Bourbon Street. However, I am now addicted to beignets and open-air dining. And that can have its drawbacks. If you must sit around outside all day, be sure to apply some sort of sunscreen.
Now I'm entering crunch time again, trying to wrap up my neo-gothic design, color studies, research paper, not studying for my physics test (methinks I'll drop this grade), and I'm sure there are many other things I don't remember.
So yeah, I'm gonna binge on carb-laden snacks tonight and tomorrow, and sleep it off Thursday night, before coming home for Easter weekend.
Signing off!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"The Turbulence of the Fluids"

Leaving for New Orleans in the morning (woo hoo)! :)
Yeah. And I activated my first "real" credit card today. Even though I won't actually have it in my posession for another week. Why my parents couldn't have had it sent to my campus mailbox, I don't know.
Dennis is soooooo excited about getting an apartment this summer. He'll definitely have at least an efficiency, but there's still a chance that a one bedroom will open up. He's also started doing stuff to try to get in shape. Something about "Think how sexy I'll be with a flatter stomach and muscles instead of man-boobs." He went to the Sanderson yesterday with Dave and Joseph to run and do leg exercises. Had to beg me to go to the store for some pizza and BBQ wings. Pathetic, really.
Ever have those dreams that are just a little twist on reality? The other night I had a dream where I decided to quit architecture for some completely opposite major. Of course there was never a clear statement of what this other major was, but whatever. It probably stemmed from a guy dropping studio - just stopped coming without warning, quietly sold off his equipment and didn't come back - a short while back because of a ridiculously heavy schedule.
Which brings us to planning for this summer and fall. I'm definitely taking art appreciation and world literature at Jackson State, probably a history, too. There's just a question about exactly how many credit hours I need to graduate, and how many of those hours are electives, other than social/behavioral science, architectural, and art electives. Scheduling time is next Monday at 9 a.m. thanks to being put on honors probation for having a 3.2 instead of a 3.4. A little outrageous, don't you think? A 3.4 to be able to register for classes a few days earlier than the rest of the shmucks.
Whatever. Shower time.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

So this is what 7 a.m. used to look like ...

Good morning and happy Daylight Savings Time to everyone. I just got in (oh, scandalous!) a little while ago. Gotta say yesterday was a good day overall. After getting completely raped by polarized lens problems, I went to the bakery with Dennis and Joseph, grabbed a drink and a cream puff, and we just sat around on the patio talking for a couple of hours. Dennis and I had planned on ordering some pizza for supper and watching some basketball, but we got a call from Joseph and Daniel asking if we wanted to go to Mi Hacienda. So Mexican it was. So tamales, enchiladas, rice, beans, and sopapilla (and a couple of margaritas in these precious cactus glasses for Dennis) later, Daniel and Mary head out for Pollywog's, Joseph and Paul go back to campus to play video games, and Dennis and I hit Blockbuster. Once he realized that he'd parked in a handicapped spot, he decided to walk with a limp. Actually kept up the act, too. Got M*A*S*H and a season of McGyver. Went back to his room (my phone was there ... long story) and watched a couple of episodes of McGyver, then some Scrubs. During this time, there was some discussion about wanting a ferret, some tickle torture, and I got folded into a ball. Then it was time to crash.
Now I've gotta make a shopping list ...