Hello, sleeping people (yeah, it's about 1:30 in the morning, I should go to bed soon). Don't you hate when you know you should get to sleep but you can't? Me too.
How about anniversaries, huh? For simplicity's sake, I'm gonna consider today mine and Dennis's (horrible, horrible grammar, I'm sure) anniversary. First kiss a year ago. Woo. And he said one time that he considers the first kiss to be the beginning of any serious relationship. So yay. Besides, it's too difficult to keep up with when we broke up and got back together. And we didn't really follow breakup procedure very well anyway.
5 days and I'll get to see my lovely yeti, too. :)
Okay, if anyone is in the mood to make sweet tea anytime soon, but you don't have a pre-set ratio of boiling water/tea bags/sugar/cold water, then I've got one that meets the rigorous standards set by my mouth.
For 2 quarts of liquid goodness:
2 regular tea bags (I use Lipton, but feel free to go with other brands)
2/3 c sugar
2 c water
Place the tea bags in the water and bring to a gentle boil. Remove from heat and cover, letting the bags seep for 10-15 minutes. Place the sugar in a 2 qt pitcher and pour the concentrated tea over it, stirring until all of the sugar has dissolved. Fill to 2 quarts with cold water. Refridgerate and enjoy.
I was pretty impressed that it only took me one try to find such a nice balance. Just a word of warning: if you give this to yankees, they will become addicted and will show up at your door asking for refills. NO FREE REFILLS!
Okay, gonna try to get some sleep. Good night.