Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Always one step ahead of the uniform train

Hello, lovelies.
Not too much to update, as I've seen or talked to most of you since my last post. Successfully changed my major to history and have talked to the director of the architecture department about completing a minor. Should have that finished after next spring, I believe. The job hunt has begun ... Why does it seem to be so difficult to find one? I dunno.
Anyway, that's about it. I guess I'll have another post for you whenever the Employment Fairy comes to visit me. Silly Employment Fairy ...

Monday, May 07, 2007

When the outcome fails to meet the expectations ...

Sophomore year is over. Okay, technically I stopped being a sophomore at Christmas, so I'm halfway through junior classification. Fantastic. In an ideal world, I'd be three semesters away from graduating, but you know what? It's not an ideal world.
I knew from the beginning that architecture was a demanding major, but I truly believed I could do well (or at least okay). How naive of me. Two years later I've come home completely disenchanted with studio culture. I'm not stupid, I never missed class, all my work was turned in on time ... but there was no reward at the finish line.
So ... I've decided I don't want to do architecture - building, designing, drafting - anymore.
No more putting in 40 hours of work for one class every week without due recognition, no more explaining weird purchases at Lowe's, no more using the word "spatial."
But now that I know what I don't want to do, I need to figure out what I do want to do. At the moment, history seems to be the most attractive candidate, perhaps in combination with communications or education or ... something. The good news: I've already completed 27 hours of the core curriculum for a history major, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch. If I overload a little or take summer courses, I can get out in three years or less.
So that's my life-altering decision of the day. I get to rejoin the world of the living.