Thursday, December 29, 2005
Incest was imported from Europe.
Behold! I have ventured to Milan and I didn't get eaten! Hung out with Miki all afternoon and into the evening. Did all sorts of fun stuff like make pancakes and play with Nobe and watch Family Guy and try some Swedish fish. It's candy. Cherry flavored.
Then we sushi-ed with her parents and went to Memoirs of a Geisha. If God played the cello, His name would be Yo Yo Ma. I rather liked the movie. Beautifully done. It's presented almost as ceremonially as a geisha dance. Kinda delicate, but it holds your attention. Hard to describe.
So anyway, party weekend coming up. *grin*
Hopefully next weekend I'll be somewhere in Mississippi on my way to an architectural preservation workshop in Bay St. Louis. That's about ten minutes outside Diamondhead. ;)
And no, I'm not going just to be near Dennis. That's just an added perk. :)
Monday, December 26, 2005
The quizzes return!
Cary Grant You scored 58% Bad Boy, 74% Classy-Cool, 68% Witty-Charming, and 34% Comic-Musical! |
The epitome of wit, charm, good looks, and classy moves, your leading man is CARY GRANT. Ok, so maybe I'm a little bit partial to Cary Grant, but LOOK at him! All he has to do is smile and I'm swooning! He's funny, clever; a catch no matter how you put it. True, he can be devious at times, but usually that's just when he's trying to steal the girl away from the less deserving man who's got her. You'd be hard-pressed to find a girl who wouldn't give in to his charms sooner or later anyway. If you're a guy and you classify as Cary Grant, then you're definitely my type of guy! |
Link: The Who's Your Leading Man Test written by spasafrass on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Saturday, December 24, 2005
"I can't put my arms down!"
Well, tomorrow afternoon we'll drive over to my grandparents' house and try to pack everyone in as comfortably as possible. Fortunately there aren't any major ongoing feuds on that side of the family. And of course, there's the annual family picture. We're gonna have to get a bigger room for that before long, depending on how fast the 19-30 singles crowd (i.e. me and four of my cousins) get married. Yikes.
So anyhoo, I hope everyone's Christmas karma has balanced out, possibly leaning toward the "nice" end. See you ... I'm sure sometime this week!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
So Miki won't go through massive withdrawal...
10. Get ahead faster in corporate America.
9. Get a blow job.
8. Find out what is so fascinating about beating the meat.
7. Pee standing up while talking to other men at a urinal.
6. Determine WHY you can't hit the bowl consistently.
5. Find out what it's like to be on the other end of a surging orgasm.
4. Touch yourself in public without thought as to how improper it may seem.
3. Jump up and down naked with an erection to see if it feels as funny as it looks.
2. Understand the scientific reason for the light refraction which occurs between a man's eyes and the ruler situated next to his member which causes two inches to be added to the final measurement.
1. Repeat number 9
10. Immediately go shopping for zucchini and cucumbers.
9. Squat over a hand-held mirror for an hour and a half.
8. See if they could finally do the splits.
7. See if it's truly possible to launch a ping pong ball 20 feet.
6. Cross their legs without rearranging their crotch.
5. Get picked up in a bar in less than 10 minutes ... BEFORE closing time.
4. Have consecutive multiple orgasms and still be ready for more without sleeping first.
3. Go to the gynecologist for a pelvic exam and ask to have it recorded on video.
2. Sit on the edge of the bed and pray for breasts too.
1. Finally find that damned G-spot.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Drinks for everyone! Except whoever is driving ...
Yeah ... that's pretty much all I had to say. See everyone in a few days.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games ...
But yeah, that was my adventure for the day. Almost being hit by a car. Making physical contact with the vehicle. Giving the driver the glare of death. One more foot or so, and I'd be looking at some generous compensation. Crap.
Everybody cross your fingers on the physics exam. I'm off to cook tater tots and pick out a movie.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
There's a difference between "woven" and "wovenness."
All that's left is taking my Physics and English exams and packing. Looks like I'll be back Friday.
Then it'll be time to clean and pack some more! Whee!
Now I need to go draw.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Nothing like playing with those heat packets that come with the MREs...
Well, I'm in the first group to present in front of the jury Wednesday. Fortunately we're in the gallery, not the jury room. Less pressure.
I think that's basically all I had to say. Oh, and we're closing on the house earlier than expected, so there's more time to work on it before we move in. Yay for that.
Have a good day, lovelies.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
How can we make two weeks go by really fast?
Westley Inconceivable! You scored 90! |
You live it, you love it, you lost track long ago of how many times you have seen it. You have been known to wish someone luck by hollering "have fun storming the castle!" You scoff at people who cannot recite the entire 'battle of wits.' You are a true fan. Thank you. Its people like you that give me hope for humanity. |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Princess Bride trivia Test written by spiceymonkey on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Thursday, November 24, 2005
So wait, I'm not 100% compatible with myself?
I went and looked at the house yesterday. It's not as bad as I thought, but could still use a LOT of improvement in some areas. Fortunately, I've talked my sister into going with my ideas for our room. Yeah, she wanted "light blue" and I was thinking more "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Oriental spice trade." Yeah, now I sound all weird, but that's what you get...
Well, it's almost time to go eat with the family on my dad's side. Endure the Catholic jokes (can't bring up the fact that we're "not together" - what? it could be just a temporary thing - because it'd go straight to their heads) and try not to choke on turkey. Why do we continue with this traditional nightmare? Turkeys don't taste all that great.
Right. Gotta go get dressed and whatnot.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Doomsday has never been more fun!
Didn't get to go to a movie last night. Gonna try for tonight.
Umm, last bit of news for the day. I got a call from my mom this morning (yeah, thanks for waking me up) and she told me we're moving a couple of blocks to a bigger house. The interior is a blast from the past, but I should have enough time before we move in to at least paint some stuff.
Shower time.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Why we love Lore
alt="Minx Expertly Rendering Erotic Delights and Intense, Thrilling Hugs"
Dennis, you're missing out, buddy!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
"Thank you for being a good student. Have a nice life. Where did the other ferret go?"
Quick update while I'm practicing good tornado safety. I'm feeling much better than I did the other day. Dennis and I are still very good friends, we even went to Wal-Mart together last night. From an earlier conversation today, it looks like he may be coming back next semester. *crosses fingers*
He showed me a website for a travel agency offering yacht cruises to Ecuador and the Galapagos. Looks like fun. We'll see what happens...
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Today sucks.
Blame the hurricane.
I'll be doing studio work for the rest of the afternoon, then physics and English tonight. Sounds fascinating, I know.
You guys can reach me on the cell.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Stop asking if I think he's gonna propose!
Just sitting here, sipping my uber-caffeinated tea and munching on vanilla wafers. Have I been to sleep? No. Will I get at least a short nap? Probably not.
It's really interesting to see who'll walk through the doors at the art building at 2 in the morning. Actually, not really. Architecture kids.
So what am I doing up? Procrastinating. Should be doing Physics. Turns out there's still a wee bit of a chance for me to make a B. So no more wondering if I'll have to take physics 2 during the summer. Woot!
I feel kinda British...
Ugh, and today's a long day, too. I'm almost staring at the 24-hour mark now, and I have a 13 hour day starting at 8. Hahahaha... Plus I've gotta finish up my (woo hoo) next to last English essay. Went to my last lab today. Er, yesterday. It's 5 a.m.
Bah. Must get to work.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
The Conquests of Sexy Chef Man!
We ate in his room and watched "Sabrina" until we both dozed off for a little while. Dennis doubles as a very nice pillow.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
"I just drank a baby."
Those of you in the "Sushi is Good" group will be happy to know that I tried some last night and enjoyed it. Didn't even have much trouble with the chopsticks. Even did the cute little teapot thing, too.
Yeah, Dennis and I went out with Dave and Brittany. She had the most disturbing ... drinking ... apparatus ... I've ever seen. It was a porcelain child with a hole in the back of its head. And it was facing me throughout dinner.
So we'll have to go to Sakura (or wherever) sometime in the nearish future.
Yummy yummy fishy fishy!!!
Yeah, sorry for stealing your sushi chant, Heather...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Stuff and junk.
You know what's really good? Navel oranges. The kind with the thick peel, so you have to work a little to get to the yummy citrus goodness. Ever since I was a verreh small child, I always got one in my Christmas stocking. Don't know which side of the family that came from, but I doubt it really matters.
But back to the fruit. They keep FOREVER in the fridge, if you need them to. I bought some when I first arrived in Starkville in August, and I ate the last one about a month later. Still quite good. Crisp.
Let's see...
Got an A on my last essay, so that gives me an A in the course. Woo hoo!
Next week I'll be registering for spring courses and renewing my housing contract.
Not to mention birth-daaaaaaaaay Monday. ^^ And my dad's is Friday.
So yeah, college life is a scream. Class, studio, homework, feeding the starving boyfriend, watching this anime show about a former samurai.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Kinetic energy ... IN YO' FACE!!
I had equations down for all the problems, and I'm sure I got the questions right, so hopefully that'll get me the 80 I need. I'll take a few extra points...
Well, it's final project time, which means lots of drawings, several sketch models, and a well-crafted final model are due in about a month.
Gotta bump my English grade up just a couple of points (planning on taking honors comp II in the spring so I can keep my honors perks), and I'm pretty sure I'm safe in freehand.
Yes, I know this isn't a particularly interesting entry, but I'm not a very interesting person at this time.
But... One week 'til my birthday! Woot! Party...
I want a doughnut.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Hello, Charlie!
So imagine, if you will, six or seven of us running around the apartment complex down the road, or at the construction site, shooting each other with BBs and giggling like little children.
My weapon of choice is a Colt .45 assault pistol. The silencer adds a little fun.
And if I don't want to be an architect anymore, this'll be good training for the CIA...
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Put your extra insulation to good use!
Just wanted to say "Hi. I'm not dead. And I hope you are the same."
Enjoying my free weekend. Gonna bake cookies today. :D
Spent almost all day with Dennis yesterday. Our football team lost the homecoming game (*sigh*), and I've seen Daniel recovering from a hangover and a pretty eventful night, even without the booze.
Ask me about it later, it's a trip...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Rock around the clock!
Actually, I'm looking at potentially 36 hours straight. This should be fun. Invest in Mountain Dew. NOW!
Back at State. Taking a break from note-taking on chapters 2, 8, and 10 of "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek."
And a mutant cricket is crawling around my floor. Why am I freaked out by the cricket? I live on the third floor, that's why...
Enjoyed seeing Whit, Heather, and Greg at Seasons Monday night.
I thought I packed the cooking timer, but I didn't. Need to go to Wal-Mart soon. *sigh*
Less than three weeks 'til my birthday. Woot! Maybe I'll actually get MAIL for a change!
If there's anyone out there that I didn't tell, my grandparents freaked out when I told them I'm dating a Catholic. Seriously... they wigged out. My parents have no problem with it. No problem with any of it, so long as I end up doing well in school and don't run off and get married for a few more years. At least until I start my internship.
Got my camera and the software is installed. So yeah. Pictures soonish.
Gotta get back to Tinker Creek. Literary acid trip...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.
Even though I have a buttload of physics homework :(
And also a bunch of sketches and reading for studio :( :(
But anyway, I'm here. Spent the first half of the afternoon serving cheesecake at a wedding reception. Yum :) And we took the dogs to get vaccinated this morning. Pookie's old now. We got a pamphlet on senior pet care and whatnot.
She's not old. Really...
Psyched about going to the zoo Monday :D
Yeah ... I feel like a little kid. A little kid who can drive. And who is in college. With a 23-year-old boyfriend.
It's time to shut up.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The romantic's guide to life...
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating. My profile name: wallviolet |
The female version of Nick... O_O
Monday, October 10, 2005
Don't envy us now, envy us when we have money.
Friday, October 07, 2005
I can't feel my right thumb.
Pulled an all-nighter at the studio. Nap. Then wake up and shower before physics.
Monday, October 03, 2005
I love fresh towels - warm and fluffy and soft ... kinda like you!
Okay, so it's October now. Last time I checked, October was an autumn month, and that means cooler weather. Not cold, mind you, but definitely less than 90 degrees. Apparently Mississippi has two main seasons: Hot (about 10 months out of the year), and Cold (one month, probably around January). Spring and fall have a couple of weeks thrown in there, just because it was required.
It's still a little surreal having a boyfriend. Three weeks running, now. We're getting more comfortable with each other all the time, so we can do boring, un-romantic stuff like homework and laundry. Very give-and-take, he'll spring for Chinese one night, I'll let him use my laundry detergent if he's run out, we'll go shopping together and watch football. And I can tease him about not liking vegetables at his age, maybe threaten to use his nickname in public. *evil grin*
Yeah, you're sick of hearing my bubbly Dennis-speak.
I'll stop now.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Ze End of Ze World
It was a most amazing development this morning. I walked outside this morning and it was cool! I was sweating yesterday when I was scurrying around before freehand. But yeah, unexpected as this was, it means I get to wear sweaters and hoodies and all that fun stuff. :D
We swapped desks in studio at the beginning of the week so the three sections would be together. I'm waaaaaaaaaaay in the back corner by the meeting area. Need to pick up a light today so I can work at night. And we got our first grades back yesterday. I got a B- on my project! And I'm saying that in a good way. C means "good," B means "really good," and A means "why are you wasting your time in school?!"
Happiness. And I brought home some A's in English and freehand, too.
Woot, the gradeness... It made my day. Otherwise I'd just be hot and have sore muscles from working in my floor.
I'm getting a digital camera! Yes, that means I'll actually start updating my site again.
But I think for now I'm gonna run along and run some errands, maybe (probably) work on physics, and ... stuff.
Monday, September 26, 2005
6:14, everyone sign the sheet and run!
Okay, Atlanta:
Atlanta is a big city, not too unlike Nashville, except there are more peach references and no Batman building. They have another BellSouth building, though...
They have monster hotels with fancy-shmancy lobbies and fun elevators. Whee!!! And rotating restaurants...
There was also a transvestite convention while we were there. And everyone must follow the guidelines in order to safely and comfortably ride MARTA. Club hopping is for people who have a life. Hotel hopping is for architecture students.
And it is fun to go to expensive stores and watch your guy friends try on jackets (woot, the Hugo Boss) and sample cologne. Kenneth Cole "Signature" is good, so is "Aqua" ... um, I think by Bulgaria or something that is spelled like it...
Emory has declared war on Wash U. I didn't know the SGA could have a department of war.
Very, very important: Maggiano's Little Italy. Gooooooooood Fooooooooooood. And the live jazz in the background is a plus, too. Nice date location, and not uber expensive. In case you're ever in Atlanta and need such a place...
Anyway, must do physics homework and save my butt from being eaten in studio! Later!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Statue of Liberty? I thought it was taller... No, it's just a hologram.
It's really a lot like Nashville here, except instead of the BellSouth building there's Georgia Power. My roommates and I went to the Hard Rock for supper. Good food, loud music. Always an appropriate activity after riding a bus.
We also wandered around one of the mega hotels. The interior was too cool, and the elevators speak. Two good indications that it's too expensive to house college students. But I got some (hopefully) good shots for my portfolio.
Before the end of the trip we're definitely going to ride the rail system and hit the mall.
Tomorrow we're touring the Community Housing Resource Center and some building on and around the Emory campus. Then free time starting at 5! Woot!
Yeah...I'll talk to you guys later...
And I miss Dennis... :P
Sunday, September 18, 2005
This is me procrastinating.
Put an X by the movies you've seen.
If you get more than 70, you're a movie freak.
()Pirates of the Caribbean
(x)Boondock Saints
()The Mexican
()Fight Club
()Starsky and Hutch
(x)Neverending Story
()Blazing Saddles
()Garden State
(x)The Princess Bride
(x)Young Frankenstien
(x)Napoleon Dynamite
()White noise
() White Oleander
() Anger Management
total here : 6
()50 First Dates
()Jason X
()Scream 2
()Scream 3
()Scary Movie
()Scary Movie 2
()Scary Movie 3
()American Pie
()American Pie 2
()American Wedding
(x)Harry Potter
()Harry Potter 2
()Harry Potter 3
()Resident Evil I
()Resident Evil 2
()The Wedding Singer
()Little Black Book
total here:1
(x)The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch
(x) Finding Nemo
()Finding Neverland
()13 Ghosts new or old
(x)The Grinch
()Texas Chainsaw Massacre new or old
()White Chicks
(x)Butterfly Effect
()13 going on 30
()I Robot
(x) Dodgeball
() Universal Soldier
() A Series Of Unfortunate Events
() Along Came A Spider
() Deep Impact
total here : 6
() Kingpin
() Never Been Kissed
()Meet The Parents
()Meet the Fockers
()Eight Crazy Nights
()A Cinderella Story
(x)The Terminal
()The Lizzie McGuire Movie
()Passport to Paris
()Dumb & Dumber
()Dumb & Dumberer
()Final Destination
()Final Destination 2
()The Ring
()The Ring 2
()Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
()Practical Magic
()Ghost Ship
()From Hell
(x)Secret Window
()I Am Sam
()The Whole Nine Yards
()The Whole Ten Yards
()The Day After Tomorrow
()Child's Play
()Bride of Chucky
()Ten Things I Hate About You
()Just Married
()Nightmare on Elm Street
(x)Sixteen Candles
()Bad Boys
()Bad Boys 2
()Joy Ride
()Seven (SE7EN)
()Oceans Eleven, new or old
()Oceans Twelve
total here : 3
()Lone Star
()Predator I
()Predator II
()Independence day
()A Bronx Tale
()Darkness Falls
()Children of the Corn
()My boss' daughter
()Maid in Manhattan
()Best bet
()How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
()She's All That
()Calendar Girls
()Mars Attacks
total here : 1
()Event Horizon
()Ever after
(x)Forrest Gump
()Big Trouble in Little China
()X-men 1
()X-men 2
()Catch Me If You Can
()The Others
(x)Freaky Friday, new or old
()Ring of Fire
()The Hot Chick
()Old School
()The Notebook
total here: 2
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
()A Walk to Remember
()Back Door Sluts 9
()Anal Acres 1
()Anal Acres 2
()B-Cup Divas
()The Fifth Element
(x)Star Wars episode I The Phantom Menace
()Star Wars episode II Attack of The Clones
()Star Wars episode III Revenge of The Sith
(x)Star Wars episode IV A New Hope
(x)Star Wars episode V The Empire Strikes Back
(x)Star Wars episode VI Return of The Jedi...
()Troop Beverly Hills
()Swimming with Sharks
()Air Force One
(x)For Richer or Poorer
()People under the stairs
()Blue Velvet
(x)Sound of music
(x)Parent Trap new or old
() The Burbs
()The Terminator
()Empire Records
()SLC Punk
()Meet Joe Black
()Wild girls
()A Clockwork Orange
()the Order
(x)Spiderman 2
total here: 13
(x)Mean Girls
(x)Shrek 2
(x)The Incredibles
()The Fast & The Furious
()2 Fast 2 Furious
()Sky Captain Of The World Of Tomorrow
() Closer
total here : 4
()Bowling For Columbine
()Farenheit 9/11
()The Sixth Sense
(x)Artificial intelligence (AI)
()Love actually
()Ella Enchanted
(x)Princess diaries 1
()Princess diaries 2
(x)Million Dollar Baby
()Malibu's Most wanted
()Big Daddy
()Black Sheep
(x)The Breakfast Club
(x)West side story
total here : 5
(x)A Christmas Story
()Pulp Fiction
()The Evil Dead
()*Killer Klowns From Outer Space*
()The Seed of chucky
()Vanilla Sky
(x)Nightmare Before Christmas
()Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
(x)Interview With The Vampire
()The Crow
()Purple Rain
()Reservoir Dogs
(x)Wayne's World
total here : 4
()Wayne's World 2
()21 Grams
() Blow
(x)Edward Scissorhands
(x)Beauty and the Beast
()Guess who
()Monster In-Law
(x)Stuart Little
()Stuart Little 2
()Mall Rats
()Chasing Amy
(x)Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
() Jersey Girl
total here: 4
()The Last Samurai
()The Amityville Horror (old or new)
()The Aviator
(x)Romeo and Juliet any version
()Beauty Shop
()legally blonde
()legally blonde 2
()the forgotten
()confessions of a teenage drama queen
total here: 3
()Lethal Weapon 1
()Lethal Weapon 2
()Lethal Weapon 3
()Lethal Weapon 4
(x)The Matrix
()The Matrix: Reloaded
()The Matrix: Revolutions
(x)Happy Gilmore
total: 2
Okay, 54. Not a movie freak, but still fairly well-rounded in my viewing...
Heather, how'd you get that many?!
(BTW, I should have been working at the studio instead of doing this...)
(Later: I met Dennis a month ago today! :D )
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Great, now I need to explode one of these joints...
Tuesday night I'm high on caffeine. In the studio everyone is being friendly - working on paraline drawings, studying for the physics test, buying snacks to raise funds for NOMAS - it's all cool. Except someone brought sushi and it smelled. Eww. Dennis dropped by for a little while and was amazed that it took me ten minutes to draw a square. Got a lot of work done despite the distractions.
4:00 rolls around and I finally go to sleep. Alarm is set for 6 so I can scan my notes before going to take the test.
8:52. Crap. I'm screwed.
Emailed the prof to explain why I missed the test. No sympathy for the exhausted architecture student. He even suggested that I withdraw from the course, but with my major, that would mean dropping out of the university for the rest of the year. Not happening. So I emailed him back saying that I can make a B in the class if I work really hard and to expect me at 8:00 Friday morning.
Take that, Baron von Jerkoff!
One of my studio friends offered to give me a wakeup call before that class for a while. Fair trade. I scan stuff for her with the HP, so it's all good.
And I have plenty of people in studio to study with. We're getting close. Good thing, too, since we'll be seeing a lot of each other for five years.
Anyway, Atlanta next week. Lots of drawing, lots of walking, hopefully not too much dealing with drunk people.
Cute nerd story: Dennis created a character in his Final Fantasy game and named it after me. I feel special.
I'll get a picture soon and show it to you guys. :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Yeah, exploring soft jazz and swing. Makes me wanna dress up and go to one of those classy nightclubs a la 1940's. Good mood music... ;)
Yeah, somebody had some playing when we got in from our walk last night. Sly devil.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Terry Tate: Office Linebacker
Anyway, drafting stuff now. Orthographic and paraline drawings this week. It's not hard, just very tedious. OCD on a blank white sheet.
Happier news (at least for me) - I'm back with Dennis. *Prepares for Whit rant*
I swear, he isn't the devil. Just a third cousin of the devil... I'm kidding! Dang...
He treats me well, and I know how to keep him purring like a kitten. A very large kitten. Literally over twice my size...
And yeah. I've got a pretty full week ahead of me. Physics test Wednesday, more studio stuff than should be given to a sane person, who knows what in Comp, freehand, and lab...
Good night, lovelies.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Starting labs today. Woo...
Anyway, gotta do that, get my final model finished, work on my physics homework, and do some sketches for freehand. Blargh. Probably take some time off to watch "The Longest Yard" on the Drill Field with Dennis and crew. (The crew being Joseph, Jesus, and ... Derek?)
Oh! And I got a card from Whit! Thanks Whit! It's good to know somebody loves me...
I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth
Hey, I did manage to finish my homework for English. Be proud of me.
I had a chicken-filled weekend. Saturday morning - chicken biscuit. Saturday evening - chicken parmesan salad. Sunday afternoon - chicken cordon bleu. Sunday evening - leftovers from Saturday evening. Tonight - chicken pot pie soup.
I'm gonna go on a burger/pizza binge next. After I convince myself to put down the cheetos. Gah, cheetos!
Anyway, it was good to see those of you who were cool and didn't have to fly up to Maine for school. That's just screwed up, starting class on Labor Day! Blasphemy!
My air conditioner still leaks, so I'm hoping the fan will be enough to keep me cool until I can get maintenance up here. Ruby isn't even listed on the web form they use for complaints. Stupid.
There's a lot of crap on my bed. Might want to lose some of that and get some sleep.
Good night.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I feel I've been here before...
I'm back in J-town for a couple of days. Hopefully I can find a parking spot when I return to campus Monday :P.
It was really cool when I began driving north. The sun was beginning to set and the whole color scheme was very end-of-summer-y. You know the one. Still warm, but starting to cool off and blur together. Driving at night is the way to go. I pulled into my driveway 3 hours and 3 minutes after I called to let the family know I was on my way. And you can sing along with the radio (or iPod...) and nobody will look at you funny! :)
Also, there are armadillos in Mississippi. Which is a relief, because I saw some on the side of the road and thought, "Hmm, either that's an armadillo, or there are mutant dogs running around."
Anyway, I wanna check out the bistro where Bubba's used to be sometime before I leave. Hope to see everyone who's in town!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
"But you see, gods can play at will. I am a sex god."
Little or nothing happened today, but I figured I'd post something.
Gonna try to come up for the weekend, but if I can't get gas tomorrow, it won't happen. Adri, $5 for fuel is insane, and the trip from Atlanta is, what, 7 hours?
Heather, you be the Hot Dork Girl for Madison County, and I'll be the Sexy Nerd Girl for Oktibbeha County. Just stick to coffee shops and bookstores to find suitable flirting material. Jenn can be whatever she wants for Dancing Rabbit. Miki will just be cold in a couple of months...
Miki, have fun moving back in, and try to make the best of an awkward situation. Never assume something is going to happen until it already has.
Different tangent time. I saw Dennis earlier and we're still cool. One of his friends (who had actually called and interrupted us before dinner Friday) kept yammering about his new girlfriend yesterday. Guys are dense. But anyway, Dennis gave this guy a call while we were walking around the Quad, and guess where he was, hmm? Haha, got what he deserved! (Crazy redhead ;) ) Oh, and he's heard news about his house - minor damage, great shape compared to most of the town.
Here's a smooth post-breakup move: give the girl a handshake the next time you hang out. Mm hmm... [/sarcasm]
All for tonight. Fuel hunting in the morning. After physics, of course...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
We interrupt this program to issue a retraction.
So I welcome myself back to the land of sanity! Or at least my personal brand of sanity...
Ride it out...
The hurricane came and went. Didn't do any major damage here, but I'll tell you guys how it went.
At lunchtime the wind was starting to pick up a little and the rain turned from mist to a steady shower. Sustained force, but not too strong, and not much gusting. By 5 there were sheets of rain and stronger wind. Low-lying areas were flooded, and some car windows had been broken out, whether by wind or flying debris. Still safe enough for people to be outside for short intervals of time. In fact, some guys were doing body-luge down the hills south of Barr Avenue. Dennis and I were watching from the 5th floor balcony with some of the other residents.
Shortly after that it got too windy to stay outside. The eye passed about 20 minutes from here, and we think the storm may have still been a category 1 hurricane when the strongest part hit our area.
After dark, tree branches were starting to break and take out power lines. We saw a few small explosions and some live wires dancing around near Suttle. Didn't regain power until early morning.
Classes and offices have been closed since noon yesterday and should reopen tomorrow morning. Cleanup crews are busy picking up branches around campus, particularly on the west side. There was one pane of glass blown loose in the first-year studio, so there are probably a lot of materials inside that need to be picked up, but again, no major damage.
Overall, it was less dangerous than tornadoes. The wind is pretty evenly spread, but the rain is worse. Plus this is much easier to prepare for than tornadoes.
So here's to Katrina for breaking all or most of the physical records!
Dennis is going to find some way to get back home this weekend to see if his house is still standing, or to help with the cleanup.
Hope everyone else managed to stay reasonably dry. If I hear any whining from Jackson, I'll say you should be beaten with a fish from the Gulf.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Drowning in a parking lot.
The National Weather Service has issued a Hurricane Advisory for the Starkville area beginning on Monday and extending into Tuesday. Hurricane Katrina, a Category 5 Hurricane is expected to make landfall along the Louisiana coast sometime Monday. The Starkville area is expected to be affected between Monday and Tuesday, with hurricane-force wind gusts beginning Monday night through the day on Tuesday as the hurricane moves into Mississippi. We are advising residents to take all necessary precautions in preparation for this storm:
-Please bring all outdoor items indoors by Monday. If high wind gusts are present, outdoor items can become dangerous if they are picked up and carried by wind.
-Please ensure you have flashlights, batteries, water, and ready-made food available in the event of power outages. Please avoid using candles during power outages because they are prohibited.
-If weather conditions become dangerous, please seek shelter indoors, away from windows.
-Use common sense when deciding whether or not to travel in hazardous conditions.
-Stay tuned to local and national weather updates. Remember, hurricanes can produce damaging wind, flooding, and tornados.
-Please remain indoors if debris or downed power lines are present.
If MSU announces closings, it will be posted on the MSU website, but no such announcement has been made at this time. Campus officials will meet on Monday to decide what steps are appropriate in preparation for this storm. Please check the MSU website periodically throughout the day tomorrow for any announcements.
See you guys once we've dried out. I plan to come up Friday night.
If you know, you know. If you don't, I'm not gonna tell you.
I told Dennis I would plug one of our favorite shows to watch. Everyone needs to check out "Scrubs." Now!
Okay, I'm gonna throw on some studio clothes and head over there. Good night!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Everyone bring your box cutters Friday, just in case the lecture starts to run long.
Hoolay for Friday! I think we're going to put the charcoals down for a little while and start working with cardboard today. It'll be nice to be clean again.
All my books are in for Studio. It's really fun to get packages of any sort down here.
Lost my wireless connection in my room yesterday, and also managed to lock myself out. Dork. Cost me $5 to get back in. :P
Somber note: Thomas Caudill died earlier this week. He graduated from JCM back in the spring.
Monday, August 22, 2005
I was white before I decided to become an architect.
Anyway. Did that, finished my reading for English, email, supper, bla bla bla...
Went back to the studio to finish shading and highlighting. Must've been there for at least 2 and a half hours. Fortunately Dennis dropped by to see what this crazy profession is all about. Finally finished the sketches and almost died trying to pin them up. My life is an exciting adventure.
Then I just had to go watch Ghostbusters 'til 1 this morning. *sigh* I should know better, especially when I have a class at 8.
Anyway, that's what's been going on. Miss you people!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thank you, tree, for offering a little relief from the heat. Wait, why am I talking to a tree?
I passed out in my room not long after I got back from supper. How I managed to eat food, I may never know.
Anyway, physics this morning went well. The professor seems like a decent fellow. Didn't assign twelve hours' worth of work over the weekend or anything. I did... Wait, I know I did something for the four hours between that and studio...
Probably doesn't matter...
I was alive, I had lunch, I went to studio. They made us go out in the heat to draw. And they laughed, I know it! But I have my desk and most of my supplies, so whee.
And I get to draw for about a billion hours this weekend. :P I'll go shopping when it starts to get hot. Need food...
Don't know if I'll keep the same meal plan next semester. The food's good, but I'm not entirely convinced I'm saving all that much money. Not a particularly big person here.
Enough of this.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I have escaped from the Chicken. Now all I have to worry about are chemical engineers.
And that was all the academic progress for today. While I was standing in the bookstore, waiting for materials that don't exist, another guy comes up, starts chatting with me, and invites me for coffee at the bakery. I don't drink coffee, but I did accept a cookie. This one's a couple of years older than we are, tall, and likes to cook. He also had a bunch of Family Guy episodes on his PC. Chemistry guy, but not really the scrawny lab type.
So continues my conquest.
Anyway, physics and architectural design tomorrow. With about four hours of dead time in between. College is weird.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Muskadine Ripple. Kinda like strawberry...
Also, Adri called today. *waves to Adri* It was nice to hear someone who wasn't related to me for a change. Hope you like it at Mercer!
They had an ice cream social at the honors dorm tonight. I saw a couple of the guys from the architecture department and met one who is majoring in chemistry. He was amazed out of his mind when I didn't react negatively to the word "chemistry."
The sororities seem to be having some sort of party ... thing. It looks like a freakin' beauty contest, minus the sashes.
Oh, yeah. I also met a guy this morning who lives in my dorm. He's pretty cool. However, he's in ROTC and has to get up for drills at the baseball field at 5:30 every morning. I envy not his schedule. Not bad looking, kinda athletic. It's all good. If nothing else, I can have a friend who doubles as a bodyguard.
Happy things
I've figured out the meal plan system. Walk in, they put $4.50 into your MoneyMate account, and go eat. If your meal costs less than $4.50, you have extra for later!
There is a William Shakespeare action figure in the bookstore. Complete with quill and parchment. I must get that. Too happy.
]:=:P Moose!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Quickly! Before my connection tanks!
I almost cried when I bought my books today. Nearly $300 for English and Physics. And I have to come back for some more Thursday. It hurts.
Anyway, I've been battling the wireless connection in the student union since about 7. Very happy when they have it hooked up in my dorm. :P
Meal plan is working, so that's a plus! :) And I met my Resident Advisor today. Also nice. Lives right across the hall.
Well, just checking in. Hope everyone is well, and not going out of their minds.
Good night!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Is that the bell tower or an ice cream truck?
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and be oh, so happy that I managed to install the weird software from the university's tech website.
Nothing too major has happened, besides the fire alarm in Ruby being pulled when I was out for supper last night. And if anyone wants to see a movie, Sahara is pretty good. Not too much heavy stuff, but a lot of explosions and gunfire.
All for now. Must get my parking decal today. :)
Saturday, August 13, 2005
...And now listen, little child, to the safety rail.
Adri - I know you probably can't read this from wherever you are, but whenever you can, e-mail me. Also, despite all the random crap I'm taking to school, most of it fits in my car. It's a little freaky...
Heather - The lavender likes sunlight. And it needs a little bit of water every day until it's about two inches tall. Then you can skip a day in between. Don't kill Beth because she's a suspected emo-kid, and if you have any girly complaints in certain other areas, you know where to find me.
Jenn - Have fun in New Orleans. And by fun, I mean things that make you happy, not horrified. Also, find me sometime in Mississippi. Starkville is actually northeast of Jackson... Yeah, I lied earlier.
Miki - Would it help if I told you the fish forgave me for my barbaric behavior last night? No? Good, because I haven't talked to it... Anyway, I'll be surrounded by lots and lots of land. Cows and chickens are not good sporting animals.
Whit - I'm totally with you on Memphis in May... Unless it's during exams. If that's the case, I'm gonna cry. Anyway, have fun!
The Guys - Don't kill each other. I mean it.
Now, I have some little odds and ends that need to go somewhere, and about a zillion songs to load onto the ipod. Enough typing...
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I'm way too giggly. What have they put in my drink?
Yeah, so in true Heather-and-Meredith form, we drank some tea and a happy green beverage in the back of her truck in the parking lot until everything except Wal-Mart and Perkins was closed. And then we watched some random thing about Anna Nicole Smith back at Heather's house...
I hope to see you guys before I leave! More packing today. :P
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Does everyone have their plastic Jesus?
Right, so today was my last Sunday as a full-time resident of J-town. I got to say goodbye to a bunch of the crew from the Warehouse this morning. The Poes got back in town last night, and Becca brought me an Oxford t-shirt. And then she gave me a packet of oatmeal. Supposedly to get me off on the right foot as far as hair-growing is concerned. Straightened (as I discovered this afternoon), it now reaches the bottom of my shouler blades. About the length I'm aiming for when it's curly. So yeah, I'm also well on my way to being able to afford the happy bass pack.
We successfully surprised Adri. There must've been at least a dozen of us piled into her living room when she came home. Lots of reminiscing, including past plays and choral events, all of the science classes with Heather and Whit, and having the "flaming bags of poo" explained in eighth grade. To top it off, the power went out a little before sundown, so those of us remaining sat around in the dark sharing "warm and fuzzies." A very fitting adieu, I think. And then Grant and I were blinded by the chandelier when the power came back. Ouch.
So Adri, have fun, and I hope you have most of what you need, because it would suck to get down there and realize you forgot something essential.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
"Bracelet-gasm" doesn't quite roll off the tongue, but that's what I have.
Um, well, Thursday was the Grand Tour of J-town. That took about four hours, if you include snacking at Seasons. Heather and I shouldn't be turned loose near any vending establishments. We buy crap. Muchly. Seriously, I got three bracelets, a bargain 2-CD set (woo $5), and a Beatles decal. But now my right arm is one color short of being completely rastafarian. Someone get me one of the Livestrong ones?
Anyway, that was a trip.
Since I have almost nothing to do with my days (one week left before move-in) I had an opportunity to think up improbable scenarios for when class starts. My first one is English comp, held in the poultry science lab. Huh?
Anyway, what happens if something horribly horribly wrong happens while class is in session? Imagine an angry mob of chickens storming every office and lecture room in the building - angry fowl. And some kid in the back starts freaking out because of a traumatic experience he had as a small child. Blood and feathers everywhere, and for the next three weeks everything in the cafeteria is chicken-based, but you have to chew very carefully because there is shrapnel of various sorts in the chickens. And several desks and filing cabinets need to be replaced.
I seriously need something better to do with my time. :P
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Nothing ever happens, but I update anyway.
Sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's office. My 13-year old jock brother comes in from getting his teeth cleaned and goes to browse through the magazines, looking for something to kill time while Michael is in the back. The best he could come up with on his own was Cosmo Girl. ... I direct his attention to something somewhat more masculine. Something with an article about survival in the woods.
I'm taking a few plants with me to MSU. Aloysius, the whatever-the-heck plant from calculus. And some lavender sprouts. I'm still starting some of them. Six were ready to pot today, which surprised me since they've only been out six or seven days. Blame Jenn if I go all herb-y.
Drew came up from Memphis and called a movie night Sunday. We had to pick Taylor up (*subliminal message - get your driver's license*) and swing by Blockbuster. Knowing us, we got the most random combination of movies. The Nightmare Before Christmas and Cool Hand Luke. As we were getting out of the car Taylor said something to the effect of "Oh dear, I've pulled a Jenn." *everyone looks at his bare feet*
Had breakfast this morning with the Mad Ac girls. Heather, you're not the only one who loves my happy new MASH shirt.
Done for now. I'm supposedly uploading some sketches tonight.
Monday, August 01, 2005
On the subject of manifestos...
1. Western vs. Eastern. Both have their perks. The West focused on progress, the East reminds us of the benifits of simplicity and balance.
2. I have found no reason NOT to believe there is a God. Everything is too ordered and complex to have just happened, and belief in God provides hope that this isn't the only thing we get.
3. I'm not trying to fit into any type of mold. I like washers. I like numerous types of music. I do some artsy things. The natural world inspires me and makes me curious. I am a math nerd. Basically, I'm like potpourri.
4. Society is defined by the people in it. Some societies are luckier than others.
5. Whether we can see it or not, there is a balance to everything, no matter how badly we have managed to screw up. To rip off an old Greek proverb: Everything in moderation. It's a pretty good guideline for life.
6. Realists get a bad rap, but their views are far more practical than optimists or pessimists. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
7. For good mental and physical health, doing productive work is a must. One gains a sense of accomplishment while making provisions for a comfortable life.
8. Ambition is good. Without it, we would all be lying on the ground drooling. Obsession, however, is destructive, whether on a small or large scale.
9. From the time we are born, we are trained to expect instant gratification. HUNGRY! WET! NASTY! COLD! However practical this instinct was in infancy, it began to develop into something unnatural once we began using our "superior" brains and opposable thumbs for things other than pure survival.
10. For a full life, there are only a few necessary components. People - we are pack animals (or herd, depending on one's mental capacity) and do very poorly if we don't have regular contact with other people, preferrably friends and family. Goals - reasons go get off our butts and not be vegetables. These can be occupational, domestic, or physical. Recreation - something good for your blood pressure.
11. All forms of government are flawed. On paper they look good, but people are generally stupid and/or corrupt, so what was a good thing quickly turns to crap.
12. We all have responisibilities that should not be ignored, both to ourselves, people close to ourselves, and society as a whole. When we screw up, it generally causes somebody else to have (at minimum) another headache.
13. I hate politics. I forget which of my friends said it, but we have probably solved all the world's major problems over caffeine and sugar breaks. Elected officials and other dignitaries are paid massive sums of money to run the world, but they inevitably plunge us into economic turmoil and make the rest of the world mad at our policies.
14. If simple pleasures are so satisfying, why do we demand luxury?
15. Know what you believe, but examine other opinions with an objective mind. You could either learn something new and useful or reaffirm your own beliefs.
15...a good number. Heck, if you haven't noticed, I always aim for the middle. (Right between Heather's 10 and Miki's 20)
Sunday, July 31, 2005
"I feel very Zen-like right now..."
Saturday, July 30, 2005
"Come to the edge..."
Best wishes,
Thursday, July 28, 2005
I'm off to make a chart!
Classic rock! Without you the other genres
wouldn't exist! You are the raw and original
sound of rock! Other genres may try to imitate
your rawness, but they can never be like you!
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
From MyJellybean...
You are an ideal bass player! You value your equipment and lend a alternative, serious or even gothic factor to any band you are in. No stranger to darkness, you appreciate intense people and like to read heavy poetry. You might even write it yourself. You hang towards the back of your group, but you still make yourself heard. You are in tune with the details in music, and in other areas of your life. Rock on!
So now you know where my mind will be until classes start.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Real world observations.
The flavor purple is very good.
Superglue can stick your fingers together, but it won't last long.
A few fireworks and a crash test dummy can make for hours of fun.
It is somehow more polite to say "I have to kick you out in a little while" than it is to say "You have to leave before long."
Apple Jacks are just two-toned Fruit Loops.
A few level-headed people without political loyalties could solve all the world's problems.
Darwin's theory of evolution failed to include stupid people. They're everywhere, and more are being born every day.
Watercolor painting and gardening are possibly the best stress-reducers. Bubble baths are good, too.
The inventor of bread must have been made king (or queen) right then and there ... right after being declared a witch.
Without war, there would be no peace. Without NASA, there would be no powdered drinks.
Four-leaf clovers are good luck. Five-leaf clovers are ... ? I may still have the one I found ... somewhere ...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Try to keep on the same page, okay?
Anyhoo, thanks to Heather for randomly buying her lovely new guitar, I was prompted to run by PM Music and check out a bass. Really, I had actually considered taking it up before now. I actually talked about it with *cough* my mom, and she agreed that I'd make a decent bass player.
So I'll be saving up, and hopefully I'll be able to afford the package that the nice guy showed me.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Kinda survey-ish
2. Jenn
3. Heather
4. Whit
5. Adri
6. Drew the invisible
7. Greg
8. Taylor
9. Sarah Ledford
10. Sarah Johnson
11. Sarah Newman
12. Carmen
13. Aaron
14. Danny
15. Becca Poe
16. Becca T
17. Jessica
18. Karen
19. Kevin
20. Judson
1. Is #9 a boy or a girl?: Female.
2. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?: No. In fact, I don't think they'd like each other at all. Plus they're both girls.
3. How about #18 and #4?: I could see them being friends, but again, both girls.
4. What grade is #17 in?: She'll be a freshman with me at MSU.
5. When was the last time you talked to #12?: Project Graduation.
6. What is #6's favorite band?: The boy owns more CDs than I can probably count. So I have no idea.
7. Does #1 have any siblings?: No.
8. Would you ever date #3?: *awkward silence* If one of us were a guy, yes.
9. Would you ever date #7?: Eh, no.
10. Is #16 single?: Yes.
11. What's #15's last name?: HAHAHAHA... I always call her by both names.
12. What's #10's middle name?: Elizabeth
13. What's #5's favorite thing to do?: Play with her cats and drool over sexy men.
14. Is #13 hot?: He looks like a blend between Chris Martin and Jesus with an eyebrow piercing.
15. Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: Not at all. But they get along.
16. What school does #20 go to?: Oh, dear...I don't know.
17. Tell me a random fact about #11: She sang for St. Mary's Easter service, I think...
18. And #1: She jumped into the frozen pond, along with some naked people.
19. And #4: She was going to be an architecture major, but she changed to math.
20. Have you ever had a crush on #15?: Nope.
21. Where does #9 live?: Down the street from Heather.
22. What's #3 favorite color?: She seems to change it between black, red, and pink. Usually black.
23. Would you make out with #12?: Nah, we aren't she has a boyfriend.
24. Are #5 & #6 best friends?: They are good friends. Does that count?
25. Does #7 like #2?: I don't ... think so...
26. Does #8 like #19?: Don't think they've met. Probably wouldn't like each other. Plus Kevin's straight.
27. How did you meet #2?: School.
28. How did you meet #18?: We were introduced by a mutual friend somewhere around 3rd grade, and we played basketball on different church league teams.
29. Does #10 have any pets?: Yes, a few cats.
30. Is #12 older than you?: I don't believe so...
31. Is #17 the sexiest person alive, or what?: She's pretty, but there are probably a few sexier people wandering around somewhere.
32. How many people on your list did you date?: 0
33. ...make out with?: Take a wild guess.
34. ...kiss?: None, but I have licked a couple...
35. you think you sound like a whore?: Not really. You'd probably lick them, too.
36. Pick 8 numbers on your list and tell those people to do this, too.: Shan't.
P.S. When I was dropping my sister off for a band meeting, I found a souvenir from El Cuervo!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
21 Days
I managed to finish moving my portfolio to Greenstone Multimedia, so that was a good thing. Nice and categorized...
And I burned a buttload of tracks from the Mac and had to upload them one by one (not my choice, there wasn't an option to upload the whole thing automatically) on itunes. Something to the tune of 119.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Read this article
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Ahh, new computer smell...
So yeah, I'm all set up in the sunroom so I don't disturb people with my tickering and radio-listening.
Also, I went to the new Hobby Lobby today. Kinda wandered around trying to learn the new layout. A little freaky after being so used to the old one.
Not much else of any interest going on, except I did find my CD case for A Rush of Blood to the Head. It was MIA. Also I am hunting for a lightweight brown v-neck sweater to go over a couple of buttonup shirts. So if anyone happens to find one that might work (long-sleeved, please) just let me know and I'll owe you.
Wait, I lied. Little Juan was at the Warehouse tonight. He's too cute to have such a tough life. Like, his mom died a little while ago, his dad's in prison for almost 90 years, and the rest of his family is either too old or too overwhealmed to take the poor little dude. So he's staying with Big D and Miss Tracey. Hopefully they'll be able to keep him instead of having to put him in the system.
Good night, everyone!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hehehe, wasn't that great?
Yeah, so I finally saw Heather and confirmed she hasn't become a zombie. And hung out at her house until almost 1 this morning, listening to Green Day and noticing how Tre Cool looks a lot like Boy George in the poster above her desk. Happy Birthday, Moose! Woo!
I also confirmed that I suck at Pounce. Then Whitney kicked us out. Harry Potter fans are like heroin addicts with pages.
Happy news: my laptop is supposed to arrive today! Probably sometime this morning. Hoolay.
Picked up another catsitting job this week, and the Poes are going to the C. S. Lewis Convention for about a fortnight, so I'll be watching those two again. I asked Becca Poe to bring back some precious British doojie.
My next post will be from my happy laptop!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Hold on a sec, I've gotta take AP...
Also, I figured out how to access my schedule and grades on BannerWeb. Very useful. I had to get in touch with my physics instructors to sort out some prerequisite stuff. Something about I've already taken trig, but the computer refuses to acknowledge it...
Anyway, that's pretty much it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I don't think I could survive as a tree.
Toss into the equation that yesterday afternoon and this morning I was standing in a chair in the warehouse, painting some 8-foot tall structures for a skit. Probably spent about 7 to 8 hours doing that.
BUT I got that completely finished, so I don't have to go back in the morning. *big smile* Just gotta keep checking on Becca Poe's cats for the rest of the week. No problem.
'K, well, I need to take a hot bath and get some sleep. G'night.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Tea and trumpets? Crumpets!
I'm quite over that wonderful stomach bug that shows up every now and again, and I'm ready to join the loyal mob that will petition for the public school arts programs Monday evening. I know of one definite ally on the school board, possibly two. It really helps when there are parents who have/had children in the programs on the chopping block.
Rock on, Mr. Bob and Katie's dad!
This is gonna sound kinda sad, but I just got my first petcare job of the summer. Yeah, now that I have 5 weeks until move-in day. But it's an all week gig, so that'll be nice.
I had another anonymous-man dream. Yeah, it was like visiting day or something at college, and my parents and I were sitting on a patio overlooking some of the grounds, and this guy (I'm wanting to say a pre-law student?) comes up and randomly starts hitting on me. It was weird. Just started trying to make out with me right there...
Odd. But at least he wasn't ugly. I don't make ugly people up very much...
Good night!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Kiss my shiny metallic tuckus.
Robot You are 57% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 0% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. |
You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit.
1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
The Emo Kid: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Humble. The Starving Artist: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Bitch-Slap: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Humble. The Brute: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Hippie: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble. The Televangelist: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Schoolyard Bully: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble. The Class Clown: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Robot: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble. The Haughty Intellectual: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Spiteful Loner: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Humble. The Sociopath: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Hand-Raiser: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble. The Braggart: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Capitalist Pig: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble. The Smartass: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant. |
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Personality Defect Test written by saint_gasoline on Ok Cupid |
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Chairs are for the elderly ... besides, I haven't punished my bum enough today.
So, I went to the County Commission meeting yesterday (read: the meeting that lasted 6 hours). You can actually see me in the picture on the front page of this morning's paper if you look hard enough. (My head can be seen in the space behind Roy Weaver's right arm.)
During the first two hours a lot of people were there to support the schools. Very packed. Lots of people on the steps.
After a 15-minute recess, several of the less hardcore people got bored and left. Wimps.
Before lunch, the old dudes decided something about a landfill and spent three hours arguing over the budget (especially concerning the school system and cuts for the fire department and whatnot) without getting anywhere.
After lunch, the people who really cared about what would go down in the school system came back and listened for another two hours as proposal after proposal was turned down. God forbid anyone should want to raise taxes to prevent 200 job cuts and more scheduling headaches than should be legal. Dorks.
The school system now has just enough in their budget to meet the "maintenance of effort" (whatever that is) required by the state.
This entire experience has reaffirmed my general dislike of politics and my assertions that the world is run by stupid and/or greedy people.
Pardon me as I projectile vommit in their direction.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Left-Brain Fanatics!
Since I came home the doom of the public school arts programs has been looming over the horizon. If you aren't keeping up with the info, here's a sample of the cuts our dear friend Roy Weaver is proposing:
Five guidance counselors (there are 5 high schools)
Academic Decathlon travel and supplement funds ($13,000 spread over five schools, each with 9 team members and an advisor, plus alternates)
Nine elementary and intermediate music teachers
Nine elementary and intermediate art teachers
Two intermediate band teachers
High school and middle school sports, band, and chorus supplements ($654,000)
Fourteen elementary PE teachers
Four middle school band teachers
Four middle school chorus teachers
Four middle school art teachers
Tomorrow morning, the county commission is having a meeting at the Ag Center at 8:30. I am making an effort to contact as many people as I can to show up in support of the programs that will either suffer or be eliminated as a result of these cuts.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Love in a cardboard tub and other things...
Of somewhat less importance, orientation was Monday and Tuesday. I feel orientated. Got my schedule put together and my books ordered. Plus I saw a mock-up of my dorm room. Spiffy. Private bathroom with a VERY private toilet. Don't know why it's necessary to have a room just for the can in a dorm, but it's there.
So for the rest of the summer I'll be bumming around J-Town. Not too much to do for the next month.
Okay, byebye.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Had a good time in Copperhill, despite the heat, bugs, and al fresco showers (include in that "one temperature: cold").
Things like the biggest slip 'n' slide I've ever seen, a monster of a rock wall, a horse named Alfalfa, and watching my sister "rough it" were pretty good distractions.
Then it was off to MSU for a week. It's amazing how long a bunch of 16- to 18-year olds can keep themselves occupied with box cutters, sheets of cardboard, and "as much glue as you can drink."
I might have even established a routine for myself. Breakfast at the bakery, lectures, projects, lunch at Perry Cafeteria, more studio, supper at the student union, possibly more studio, dorm.
Berk will probably turn a lot of people into hippies, and those of us who already have some hippie-esque traits will come out as full-fledged eastern philosophy/nature freaks.
If you can't design around the tree, at least do something useful and beautiful with it.
Down with ranchburgers!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Paquito Taquito
Just a quick little blurb before I leave.
I'm looking forward to some interesting experiences (Becca Poe in camo, Shine-Shine with a paintball gun, etc.), but I will miss you guys and my sweet little doggies.
There's a magazine on my parents bed - Living with Teenagers: the College Issue (Secrets of Letting Go; How to Avoid the Freshman 15; 3 Financial Skills Your College Student MUST HAVE).
Well, I'm curious. I'll find out what these magazine-writer types think about sending us poor little birds out of the nest into the big mean world of college. Frankly, my parents are gonna have more adjustment than me, because now they have to wake up and drive people to school at 6:45 in the morning. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyway, I'll see you guys in about two weeks. :)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Then today I find out that they'll be in Nashville in September.
Only to find out that general admission tickets are $70.
Why must you mock me?!
Friday, June 03, 2005
Helen was sober, nobody tripped, and we managed not to break down and start bawling when we were singing.
Well, I'm gonna go wash off my makeup and get into some summer clothes.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Hey...I get to do this again when I get married!
You guys seriously have to go shopping for plates and flatware and crap. It's a rush. But yeah, I got large and small plates, cute little soup bowls, mix 'n' match glasses, and four settings of flatware that reminds me a little of Whit's. But you can't eat cereal with these forks...the prongs are longer. Might go back for a couple of mugs...
So yeah, I've got that, and my mom gave me this funky can opener and salt and pepper shakers.
And I've picked my color scheme accordingly. Lots of blue and yellow and green with splashes of orange and red. So basically everything but purple. It feels left out... Poor purple...
Mr. Scott also gave me a plant grown from a cutting of the one he's had since JCM. It has heard equal amounts of profanity and profundity. I will call it Aloysius.
I'm such a nerd.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Occupation: bum.
It looks like I'll be getting my own room (perhaps I'm too quirky for them to match me up with a decent roommate) in the brand new co-res Ruby Hall, located only a short walk from everywhere I would go on a typical day.
So yay and rah and give me my diploma already!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Just have to come back for Helen's exam.
Why am I taking an exam in chorus? Because I missed the Beta Club initiation to take care of two sick people in my house.
Screw it.
So I'm waking up at 10 tomorrow morning to do basic theory and get a good exam grade.
But tonight I ... don't know what I'm gonna do.
Later I shall publish a list of memorable happenings and whatnot.
Later that evening
Friday was the end of the year party during chorus. This means two things: food and speeches.
This year's group was made up of almost one half seniors, so the underclassmen spent plenty of time expressing their gratitude for a great year and our wonderful guidance.
But by the time Kevin was done with his speech, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. We're seriously wondering if we'll be able to get through our songs at graduation without bawling.
Fortunately the jell-o cheered us up a little.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Worked until after 4 Thursday in the heat and paint fumes, then spent Friday herding elementary school kids around and sweating, as I started the day off with a high-energy dance set and the air conditioning isn't all that great.
And Saturday was the prom. I went to Sakura with Danny and Becca and entertained them with my ineptitude with chopsticks. But I was sparkly, so whatever.
And Sarah was working that night!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
How do you say "flirt" in Spanish?
Fuimos a Los Portales para el almuerzo hoy. Cinco de Mayo.
Enough Spanish. I've been watching my "Phantom of the Opera" DVD since Tuesday. :)
Happiness. Sexy Gerry... *drool*
Hehehe... Much fun at Los Portales. Robbie had just finished the AP English test, so her mind wasn't in Spanish mode. Quincy earned a new nickname: El de la foquita. He wore his anti-seal-clubbing shirt. And Catie got hit on by the waiter. I suggested that we take a fieldtrip every week...and the seniors' last three days.
And we learned a couple of new phrases. One involves mice eating one's tongue. *shudder*
And the other is something we can't say at school. No.
14 days.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Quizzes and crap.
Your Linguistic Profile: |
75% General American English |
20% Dixie |
5% Yankee |
0% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
Your #1 Match: ISTJ |
The Duty Fulfiller You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done. You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings. Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you. Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy. You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer. |
Your #2 Match: ISTP |
The Mechanic You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations. A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent. To outsiders yous eem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable. You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people. You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete. |
Your #3 Match: INTJ |
The Scientist You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems. Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized. You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others. Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you. You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer. |
Your #4 Match: INTP |
The Thinker You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can. Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge. Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat. A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it. You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor. |
Your #5 Match: ISFJ |
The Nurturer You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal. A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways. In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music. You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for. You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. |
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Sunday, April 17, 2005
The post that took two weeks to finish.
Haven't been there in a while. But this time I was traveling on foot with a bunch of other chorus people (and a few from the band, but they kept to themselves for the most part). Too much construction going on! It was a nightmare trying to get around!
I roomed with Sarah Johnson, Carmen, and Libba. The band girls were in the adjacent room and the guys were down the hall. Helen and Mrs. Warren got the cushy room with the couch. Bah.
Our first day there we settled in, ate dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, where we were fascinated by the TV coverage of a college gymnastics event (all male), then met Helen at the Renaissance to pick up our nametags and whatnot so we could go to rehearsal. Hehe, we had some time to kill so we rode the elevator to the top floor. Judson just had to get off, and the doors closed. He called to yell at us on the way down. We're easliy amused.
The women's group was practicing in the sanctuary at the McKendree Methodist Church. Being the aspiring architect, I was being all ADD and staring around at the dome and the stained glass windows whenever I wasn't engaged in singing. Our conductor was a Canadian, which explains all the French songs.
After the first night's rehearsal, we met up with Hicks and went to the Hard Rock Cafe for drinks and dessert. After we'd left, Hicks proudly displayed his prize of the night: a menu to add to his collection of stolen restaurant paraphanalia. Laughter ensued. While we were walking back to the hotel (careful to avoid Printer's Alley, unlike the poor band girls) we ran into a few homeless people handing out flowers they'd picked from various gardens in the area. We were all tired from walking when we got back to the hotel, so we crashed pretty soon.
The next morning we went in search of breakfast and found a little cafe called Maggie's (or something to that tune). It's a lot like Pappy's in Milan, but with breakfast. Quick, cheap, everything you could want for a budget of two bucks. Then to rehearsal! More French, woo! And Greek food for lunch! And more rehearsal!
The women got out more than an hour early, so Libba and I wandered back over to the hotel where we hung out for a little while in Helen and Mrs. Warren's room. It was all giggles and smiles for Helen.
It was during this time that I called my mom regarding a message she'd left that afternoon. Something about an extension of my scholarship and whether she needed to water my violets or not. I asked her if she'd heard anything about the JCM march, but she was still relatively clueless.
Libba and I left around 9 to meet everyone at the Renaissance. On the elevator we met a girl who was in the group from Union that was attending the workshops. "Do you know Brennan?" "Uthe?!"
We were shocked to see Uthe in a short-sleeved shirt and NO TIE. *gasp*
And it was about this time that Libba's bra broke.
Off to Demo's. Tab's on Helen!
There were some jokes made toward Libba about the "Short, party of ten" announcement.
So we all ate really well, and Kevin and Libba decided to follow in the footsteps of dear Hicks, so they smuggled out a menu.
It was at this point that our decision-making skills slipped a little. It was about 10:35 and curfew was at 11. Only we figured that since Helen had just been with us we could go out for ice cream and be a little late. So off we went (WITH Uthe, so it's not like we were unsupervised). Passed a club, made a joke with Uthe since we were the only people old enough to get in, found the ice cream shop and proceeded to bum around. Brandon called Libba's phone a few minutes later. We had four minutes to be in our rooms. Yikes! Carmen, Libba, Judson, Uthe and I sprinted out of there, perplexing Melody, Sarah and Kevin, who were in line getting their orders. We were going pretty fast until Uthe broke off to go back to his hotel, but afterward we were running like a mofo, dodging drunk girls coming out of a parking garage, jaywalking, only not going up the scary alley because we would die.
Through the revolving door, up the elevator, around the corner...STOP! There was Helen, waiting for us like a watchdog. Judson ducked into the little room with the ice machine.
"Do you know what time it is?" We just stood there trying to catch our breath. "11:02..." Libba said.
"Where is Kevin?" Not "Where are the others," just Kevin.
We went back to our room and called the others. Still at the ice cream shop. They started running back, Melody was crying when Sarah and Kevin made her run through the scary alley.
We thought they were dead when they finally got back and Helen pulled them into her room. Initially we thought we could act like nothing happened...she probably wouldn't remember a thing the next morning...but there was one hitch: Mrs. Warren.
But strangely enough, it was her suggestion that saved us from any real punishment.
So much for the call Judson made to Melody's room. "Good morning, Madison. The following students have community service: Lane Norton, Hayne Hazelhurst, Zach Livelli, Melody Dale, Kevin Isbell, Sarah Johnson, Meredith Matheney, Carmen Wagster, Libba Walker, and Judson Wood..."