Saturday, July 02, 2005

Chairs are for the elderly ... besides, I haven't punished my bum enough today.

So, I went to the County Commission meeting yesterday (read: the meeting that lasted 6 hours). You can actually see me in the picture on the front page of this morning's paper if you look hard enough. (My head can be seen in the space behind Roy Weaver's right arm.)
During the first two hours a lot of people were there to support the schools. Very packed. Lots of people on the steps.
After a 15-minute recess, several of the less hardcore people got bored and left. Wimps.
Before lunch, the old dudes decided something about a landfill and spent three hours arguing over the budget (especially concerning the school system and cuts for the fire department and whatnot) without getting anywhere.
After lunch, the people who really cared about what would go down in the school system came back and listened for another two hours as proposal after proposal was turned down. God forbid anyone should want to raise taxes to prevent 200 job cuts and more scheduling headaches than should be legal. Dorks.
The school system now has just enough in their budget to meet the "maintenance of effort" (whatever that is) required by the state.
This entire experience has reaffirmed my general dislike of politics and my assertions that the world is run by stupid and/or greedy people.
Pardon me as I projectile vommit in their direction.

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