Sunday, July 31, 2005
"I feel very Zen-like right now..."
Saturday, July 30, 2005
"Come to the edge..."
Best wishes,
Thursday, July 28, 2005
I'm off to make a chart!
Classic rock! Without you the other genres
wouldn't exist! You are the raw and original
sound of rock! Other genres may try to imitate
your rawness, but they can never be like you!
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
From MyJellybean...
You are an ideal bass player! You value your equipment and lend a alternative, serious or even gothic factor to any band you are in. No stranger to darkness, you appreciate intense people and like to read heavy poetry. You might even write it yourself. You hang towards the back of your group, but you still make yourself heard. You are in tune with the details in music, and in other areas of your life. Rock on!
So now you know where my mind will be until classes start.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Real world observations.
The flavor purple is very good.
Superglue can stick your fingers together, but it won't last long.
A few fireworks and a crash test dummy can make for hours of fun.
It is somehow more polite to say "I have to kick you out in a little while" than it is to say "You have to leave before long."
Apple Jacks are just two-toned Fruit Loops.
A few level-headed people without political loyalties could solve all the world's problems.
Darwin's theory of evolution failed to include stupid people. They're everywhere, and more are being born every day.
Watercolor painting and gardening are possibly the best stress-reducers. Bubble baths are good, too.
The inventor of bread must have been made king (or queen) right then and there ... right after being declared a witch.
Without war, there would be no peace. Without NASA, there would be no powdered drinks.
Four-leaf clovers are good luck. Five-leaf clovers are ... ? I may still have the one I found ... somewhere ...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Try to keep on the same page, okay?
Anyhoo, thanks to Heather for randomly buying her lovely new guitar, I was prompted to run by PM Music and check out a bass. Really, I had actually considered taking it up before now. I actually talked about it with *cough* my mom, and she agreed that I'd make a decent bass player.
So I'll be saving up, and hopefully I'll be able to afford the package that the nice guy showed me.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Kinda survey-ish
2. Jenn
3. Heather
4. Whit
5. Adri
6. Drew the invisible
7. Greg
8. Taylor
9. Sarah Ledford
10. Sarah Johnson
11. Sarah Newman
12. Carmen
13. Aaron
14. Danny
15. Becca Poe
16. Becca T
17. Jessica
18. Karen
19. Kevin
20. Judson
1. Is #9 a boy or a girl?: Female.
2. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?: No. In fact, I don't think they'd like each other at all. Plus they're both girls.
3. How about #18 and #4?: I could see them being friends, but again, both girls.
4. What grade is #17 in?: She'll be a freshman with me at MSU.
5. When was the last time you talked to #12?: Project Graduation.
6. What is #6's favorite band?: The boy owns more CDs than I can probably count. So I have no idea.
7. Does #1 have any siblings?: No.
8. Would you ever date #3?: *awkward silence* If one of us were a guy, yes.
9. Would you ever date #7?: Eh, no.
10. Is #16 single?: Yes.
11. What's #15's last name?: HAHAHAHA... I always call her by both names.
12. What's #10's middle name?: Elizabeth
13. What's #5's favorite thing to do?: Play with her cats and drool over sexy men.
14. Is #13 hot?: He looks like a blend between Chris Martin and Jesus with an eyebrow piercing.
15. Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: Not at all. But they get along.
16. What school does #20 go to?: Oh, dear...I don't know.
17. Tell me a random fact about #11: She sang for St. Mary's Easter service, I think...
18. And #1: She jumped into the frozen pond, along with some naked people.
19. And #4: She was going to be an architecture major, but she changed to math.
20. Have you ever had a crush on #15?: Nope.
21. Where does #9 live?: Down the street from Heather.
22. What's #3 favorite color?: She seems to change it between black, red, and pink. Usually black.
23. Would you make out with #12?: Nah, we aren't she has a boyfriend.
24. Are #5 & #6 best friends?: They are good friends. Does that count?
25. Does #7 like #2?: I don't ... think so...
26. Does #8 like #19?: Don't think they've met. Probably wouldn't like each other. Plus Kevin's straight.
27. How did you meet #2?: School.
28. How did you meet #18?: We were introduced by a mutual friend somewhere around 3rd grade, and we played basketball on different church league teams.
29. Does #10 have any pets?: Yes, a few cats.
30. Is #12 older than you?: I don't believe so...
31. Is #17 the sexiest person alive, or what?: She's pretty, but there are probably a few sexier people wandering around somewhere.
32. How many people on your list did you date?: 0
33. ...make out with?: Take a wild guess.
34. ...kiss?: None, but I have licked a couple...
35. you think you sound like a whore?: Not really. You'd probably lick them, too.
36. Pick 8 numbers on your list and tell those people to do this, too.: Shan't.
P.S. When I was dropping my sister off for a band meeting, I found a souvenir from El Cuervo!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
21 Days
I managed to finish moving my portfolio to Greenstone Multimedia, so that was a good thing. Nice and categorized...
And I burned a buttload of tracks from the Mac and had to upload them one by one (not my choice, there wasn't an option to upload the whole thing automatically) on itunes. Something to the tune of 119.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Read this article
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Ahh, new computer smell...
So yeah, I'm all set up in the sunroom so I don't disturb people with my tickering and radio-listening.
Also, I went to the new Hobby Lobby today. Kinda wandered around trying to learn the new layout. A little freaky after being so used to the old one.
Not much else of any interest going on, except I did find my CD case for A Rush of Blood to the Head. It was MIA. Also I am hunting for a lightweight brown v-neck sweater to go over a couple of buttonup shirts. So if anyone happens to find one that might work (long-sleeved, please) just let me know and I'll owe you.
Wait, I lied. Little Juan was at the Warehouse tonight. He's too cute to have such a tough life. Like, his mom died a little while ago, his dad's in prison for almost 90 years, and the rest of his family is either too old or too overwhealmed to take the poor little dude. So he's staying with Big D and Miss Tracey. Hopefully they'll be able to keep him instead of having to put him in the system.
Good night, everyone!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hehehe, wasn't that great?
Yeah, so I finally saw Heather and confirmed she hasn't become a zombie. And hung out at her house until almost 1 this morning, listening to Green Day and noticing how Tre Cool looks a lot like Boy George in the poster above her desk. Happy Birthday, Moose! Woo!
I also confirmed that I suck at Pounce. Then Whitney kicked us out. Harry Potter fans are like heroin addicts with pages.
Happy news: my laptop is supposed to arrive today! Probably sometime this morning. Hoolay.
Picked up another catsitting job this week, and the Poes are going to the C. S. Lewis Convention for about a fortnight, so I'll be watching those two again. I asked Becca Poe to bring back some precious British doojie.
My next post will be from my happy laptop!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Hold on a sec, I've gotta take AP...
Also, I figured out how to access my schedule and grades on BannerWeb. Very useful. I had to get in touch with my physics instructors to sort out some prerequisite stuff. Something about I've already taken trig, but the computer refuses to acknowledge it...
Anyway, that's pretty much it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I don't think I could survive as a tree.
Toss into the equation that yesterday afternoon and this morning I was standing in a chair in the warehouse, painting some 8-foot tall structures for a skit. Probably spent about 7 to 8 hours doing that.
BUT I got that completely finished, so I don't have to go back in the morning. *big smile* Just gotta keep checking on Becca Poe's cats for the rest of the week. No problem.
'K, well, I need to take a hot bath and get some sleep. G'night.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Tea and trumpets? Crumpets!
I'm quite over that wonderful stomach bug that shows up every now and again, and I'm ready to join the loyal mob that will petition for the public school arts programs Monday evening. I know of one definite ally on the school board, possibly two. It really helps when there are parents who have/had children in the programs on the chopping block.
Rock on, Mr. Bob and Katie's dad!
This is gonna sound kinda sad, but I just got my first petcare job of the summer. Yeah, now that I have 5 weeks until move-in day. But it's an all week gig, so that'll be nice.
I had another anonymous-man dream. Yeah, it was like visiting day or something at college, and my parents and I were sitting on a patio overlooking some of the grounds, and this guy (I'm wanting to say a pre-law student?) comes up and randomly starts hitting on me. It was weird. Just started trying to make out with me right there...
Odd. But at least he wasn't ugly. I don't make ugly people up very much...
Good night!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Kiss my shiny metallic tuckus.
Robot You are 57% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 0% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. |
You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit.
1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
The Emo Kid: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Humble. The Starving Artist: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Bitch-Slap: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Humble. The Brute: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Hippie: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble. The Televangelist: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Schoolyard Bully: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble. The Class Clown: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Robot: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble. The Haughty Intellectual: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Spiteful Loner: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Humble. The Sociopath: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant. The Hand-Raiser: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble. The Braggart: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant. The Capitalist Pig: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble. The Smartass: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant. |
Link: The Personality Defect Test written by saint_gasoline on Ok Cupid |
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Chairs are for the elderly ... besides, I haven't punished my bum enough today.
So, I went to the County Commission meeting yesterday (read: the meeting that lasted 6 hours). You can actually see me in the picture on the front page of this morning's paper if you look hard enough. (My head can be seen in the space behind Roy Weaver's right arm.)
During the first two hours a lot of people were there to support the schools. Very packed. Lots of people on the steps.
After a 15-minute recess, several of the less hardcore people got bored and left. Wimps.
Before lunch, the old dudes decided something about a landfill and spent three hours arguing over the budget (especially concerning the school system and cuts for the fire department and whatnot) without getting anywhere.
After lunch, the people who really cared about what would go down in the school system came back and listened for another two hours as proposal after proposal was turned down. God forbid anyone should want to raise taxes to prevent 200 job cuts and more scheduling headaches than should be legal. Dorks.
The school system now has just enough in their budget to meet the "maintenance of effort" (whatever that is) required by the state.
This entire experience has reaffirmed my general dislike of politics and my assertions that the world is run by stupid and/or greedy people.
Pardon me as I projectile vommit in their direction.