Thursday, February 02, 2006

Whoa! You're not dead!

Thursday, 2 February 2006.
6:30 - Wake up. Get something to eat and finish two essays. Shower optional, if time allows.
9:15 - Depart for English. *thunder* Great ...
9:20 - Wet, cold, soggy trudge across the Drill Field.
9:30-10:30 - English test.
10:38 - Change out of wet clothes, into dry pajamas. Gather cooking utensils and head to the kitchen. Cheese potato soup!
1:00 - Half-hearted attempt at completing Tuesday's Concept and Form assignment.
2:50 - Depart for C and F. Observe trail of rose petals going past my door.
3:00-4:00 - Concept and Form. Herb wore three outfits (one on top of the other) and we watched part of a video about modern representations of Christ.
4:45 - Go to lab.
6:45 - Meet Dennis to go shopping for cough drops and whatever the heck he's getting. He had a list of what kinds of cough drops would get someone high the fastest.
7:40 - Wendy's.
8:28 - Physics study session at Giles. Notice betta floating on his side at the top of his tank.
9:45 - Field trip to get a Limeade for Carey.
11:20 - Call it a night. Discover resurrected betta. Freak out a little. Wonder where I've left my sunglasses.
11:35 - Remember that I left them in the car.


Heather said...

... I think you need to call your betta Lazerus....

BTW, I didn't know cough drops would get you high, cough syrup, yeah, but drops?

Oh, I know a guy who played hour of power with cough syrup.

I'm rambling. I'll stop and consider if I'm skipping spanish or not.

Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

isn't it "beta"?

Myself said...

Both spellings are accepted.