Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How come I've never heard of this place before?

Another day, another round of job-hunting. Which led me to the West Tennessee Career Center. Magical land of employment. Certainly makes my previous methods of looking for jobs seem silly and poorly thought out.
So yeah, I went in, filled out a little paperwork, and told them what kind of job I was trying to find. And the nice cubicle lady wrote a reference for me on a little card that I'm supposed to give someone at BancorpSouth Thursday morning. Whee, interview! Hopefully my background in math will make up for my lack of cash register experience.
And if I don't get a response from that within a few days, I've still got my Hobby Lobby application. The girl said they could use some extra help right now. So I'd better have some luck somewhere.
Also, Dennis had better be having computer problems (*coughJohnscreweditupcough*). I haven't heard from him since Sunday afternoon, so I'm gonna be in a less than pleasant mood with him if I find out otherwise.

1 comment:

Miki said...

I truly hope you have better luck with job hunting than I did last summer. And even if you don't get one, at least you're doing something worthwhile with your summer, taking classes. :-) Ick...I sound like a college advisore...I'll shut up now.