Right-o, well ... I told you I'd be back, no? And here I be.
Since last we met, I've finished that ridiculous spring semester, moved out of the dorms FOR GOOD, enrolled in summer courses so I can get out at the end of my fourth year, and made progress on planning the wedding. Still on track for August 9th.
Oh, and there was a fire.
I returned to my room after my morning class (the only class that day) and found a message waiting for me:
"Smake at the house"
I'm not sure what "smake" is, but I do know what "smoke" and "snake" are, and I'm not too fond of either one when they show up uninvited. So I requested some clarification, then headed over to see just how bad things were.
Fortunately we only lost a few kitchen utensils and some food that couldn't be saved for one reason or another (create for yourself a mental image of me gasping for clean air, partially covered in soot and begging Dennis to take the spoiled contents of the fridge far away), Leo was able to escape by tearing through the screen on an open window, and Tribbles was shielded from the heat and smoke by a closed bedroom door. Thanks to a fair amount of good luck and convenient scheduling, our neighbor in the other half of the duplex came home for lunch only a few minutes after the fire had broken out and called the fire department (located maybe four blocks away).
The first couple of days we spent apartment-hunting were not too encouraging. Most places within our price range wouldn't be available for at least another three weeks, and many wouldn't be open until August - a sure sign you're in a college town. Our luck eventually turned, and we were able to find an open apartment not too far from "the crispy house" (as we now refer to it). It's a block away from the hospital, so it's practically like home ... at least for me. Since then, I've moved in and will begin the official process of becoming a Mississippi resident very shortly. It all has to do with school and scholarships and crap.
I also got a puppy. Pictures forthcoming, as soon as I find my camera. Good night for now.
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