Friday, April 01, 2005

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

Now read it backwards.
For those of you who were conspicuously absent, I visited the rest of my poor amigos who had school today. And the first thing I noticed when I got there (aside from the stares I got from uniform-clad lunchers) was that Dr. Red's office was completely covered in Post-It notes. And I says to myself, I says, "Ahh, April 1."
So I continue down the corridor and I see Eileen, who kindly directs me to the ticket booth where most everyone else is located.
Don't we live in a wonderfully ironic world? Who'dve thunk that the lost videotape would come back to haunt us in such a hilarious manner? Not I. Well, actually it haunted everyone who was pulled out of class. Anyhoo, those involved seemed to be thoroughly amused.
I'm gonna go check on my brushes, then continue painting.


Miki said...

Huh? What video tape? I'm lost. By the way- see the latest Lost episode? i balled!
:-) Miki

Myself said...

The nostalgia birthday party at Adri's. It involved pin the eyepatch on Johnny Depp, violent musical chairs, and a candy hunt, among other things.