Thursday, June 30, 2005

Left-Brain Fanatics!

It's rant time again!
Since I came home the doom of the public school arts programs has been looming over the horizon. If you aren't keeping up with the info, here's a sample of the cuts our dear friend Roy Weaver is proposing:

Five guidance counselors (there are 5 high schools)
Academic Decathlon travel and supplement funds ($13,000 spread over five schools, each with 9 team members and an advisor, plus alternates)
Nine elementary and intermediate music teachers
Nine elementary and intermediate art teachers
Two intermediate band teachers
High school and middle school sports, band, and chorus supplements ($654,000)
Fourteen elementary PE teachers
Four middle school band teachers
Four middle school chorus teachers
Four middle school art teachers

Tomorrow morning, the county commission is having a meeting at the Ag Center at 8:30. I am making an effort to contact as many people as I can to show up in support of the programs that will either suffer or be eliminated as a result of these cuts.

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