Monday, August 06, 2007

What I Did Over Summer Vacation, Volume 21

Someone asked me the other day, what I had been doing since the end of spring semester. I paused. What had I done with those warm, education-free months?
Well, I changed my major after I got my studio grade back. One visit to Starkville.
I sat on my butt at home for a month while I filled out over a dozen applications and waited for any responses. Finally went back to $6.50 an hour at a job that is either hot, boring, or ridiculously frustrating, with one boss I absolutely cannot stand. The other one is okay.
I chatted up my boyfriend via AIM every day, reminding him that his bills were due and bugging him about telling his parents that he was planning on marrying me.
I had my wisdom teeth removed, so I'm missing a couple of days ...
I stayed up until 3 a.m. (on several occasions) talking to Miki while she was supposed to be doing work in India.
I spent too much of my money on clothes. But I can now dress like an adult on a more regular basis! Be excited.
I convinced Harry (yes, I'm calling Adri's cat by his real name) that I will not eat him, nor will my skin secrete acid.
And I cleaned out my car. No more ants. Hoolay!

1 comment:

Miki said...

You and your crazy starting school in August. What am I suppose to do for the next month, study GRE's? ;-)