Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

Woot for fall break!
Even though I have a buttload of physics homework :(
And also a bunch of sketches and reading for studio :( :(
But anyway, I'm here. Spent the first half of the afternoon serving cheesecake at a wedding reception. Yum :) And we took the dogs to get vaccinated this morning. Pookie's old now. We got a pamphlet on senior pet care and whatnot.
She's not old. Really...
Psyched about going to the zoo Monday :D
Yeah ... I feel like a little kid. A little kid who can drive. And who is in college. With a 23-year-old boyfriend.
It's time to shut up.


Miki said...

OOOOh the ZOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Myself said...

The zoo has been put on hold. :(
Looks like my break will be sleeping and homework, 24/7...