Monday, October 03, 2005

I love fresh towels - warm and fluffy and soft ... kinda like you!

I'm no longer dependent on the shifty wireless connection I've been ganking since August. Woo, ethernet...
Okay, so it's October now. Last time I checked, October was an autumn month, and that means cooler weather. Not cold, mind you, but definitely less than 90 degrees. Apparently Mississippi has two main seasons: Hot (about 10 months out of the year), and Cold (one month, probably around January). Spring and fall have a couple of weeks thrown in there, just because it was required.
It's still a little surreal having a boyfriend. Three weeks running, now. We're getting more comfortable with each other all the time, so we can do boring, un-romantic stuff like homework and laundry. Very give-and-take, he'll spring for Chinese one night, I'll let him use my laundry detergent if he's run out, we'll go shopping together and watch football. And I can tease him about not liking vegetables at his age, maybe threaten to use his nickname in public. *evil grin*
Yeah, you're sick of hearing my bubbly Dennis-speak.
I'll stop now.


Miki said...

Nothing is more romantic than doing laundry together. :-)

Myself said...

Haha, nothing's more romantic than sorting through forty pounds of half-dried t-shirts, jeans, boxers, and towels! :P