Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sorry, I'm delirious.

I survived rural Alabama.
The first night, after looking at ritzy outdoor toilets, a bird watching tower, and a church, we arrived at this bar and grill in Faunsdale. Faunsdale is not politically correct. Rebel flags hanging everywhere in this place, and a parking sign that was "Confederate Only." Finas had a few things to say about that...
It amazes me sometimes that the cheapest thing on a menu is $8 and it takes - I kid you not - over an hour to get the thing to your table. Cheeseburger, man. Cheeseburger.
We were so hungry we stole crackers from another table and divided them up. Savored the crackers, even. And all of the conversation centered around food, which helped not at all. Amanda was nice enough to let us have her leftover fries. They disappeared in less than 15 seconds.
By the time we finally got our food and ate, it was something like 10:30 and most of us were ready to crash. So we did.

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