Saturday, October 09, 2004

Have some popcorn. It's not green.

Well, for the past couple of weeks I haven't had much of a life outside of my English research paper, but it's fall break and my rough draft is turned in, so I can't very well do anything about it now. So it's time to chill out. Somewhat.
I took the dogs to the vet for their vaccinations. Lucille is officially a fat girl and needs to lose weight, so I guess I'll be taking her on more walks and crap. Pookie's fine except for some slightly funky teeth, so we're just gonna send both of the dogs in for cleanings sometime soon.
Started applying to colleges (whee). I may have already mentioned that, but I'll say it again anyway.
And I'll be doing a diary for CyHigh about the whole "I-wanna-go-to-college" process. Installments will begin soon.
I would like to see Ladder 49 before I go back to school.
Ooh! I got word earlier this week that the band is playing at Heather's church tonight. No Jordan this time, so I'll be singing all by myself. Which is fine on most of the songs, but I generally prefer to do harmony/backups/not lead.
And that's all I have for now. As my brain cells reboot I may post again.

A few minutes later
I almost forgot. The weirdest thing happened while we were taking our calculus test yesterday. We were writing along, thinking nasty things in Mr. Scott's direction for making some of the problems really horrible, when we heard this tapping on one of the back windows. Everyone ignored it at first, but it happened again. So we all look around and there is a huge crow on the windowsill pecking and flapping against the window. That couldn't be a good omen. Either that or he knew that Danny had brought cookies and muffins (they were really good, too). Lesson learned: bad omens can be bribed to go away with pastry. I wanted to let the bird in. He looked like a fairly intelligent creature. I would have named him Aloysius. Long story.

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