Saturday, October 30, 2004

I was right! The devil DOES live here!

Ah, football. Last night's game against JCS was really pathetic despite the noise made in the stands. All of J-town seemed to be there. Seriously, I saw a bunch of people from Madison at the stadium. Also Drew was there. And that's a miracle in and of itself.
And we will all be sad if he goes to Memphis.
Don't go to Memphis, at least not before I go to college. :(
But yeah, the final score was USJ 6, JCS 0.
BUT the fireworks show afterward was pretty cool. I might want to change my minor to pyrotechnics. :D
Today I'm finishing up my tiger costume for Heather's party, going to said party, and if I have any time whatsoever between finishing the first and beginning the other, homework. Blah. Definitions.
So off go I.

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