Monday, November 08, 2004

Peter Pan Syndrome

Whee! I am now 18. To that effect, I have full rights as a citizen of the United States - I can vote, smoke, see R-rated movies, sign my own report cards, and go to the local mall without my mommy's supervision. Also, I can get a job and not be restricted by child labor laws, and be convicted as an adult for any felonies I may or may not commit.
So yeah, being an adult is cool, especially since I still feel like a minor ... just have to watch out for cops.
And practically the first thing I did was apply for a seasonal job at Best Buy. I went through a bit of pain for that one, too. My sister wouldn't give up the chair to the computer, so I had to either kneel or stoop or squat in front of the thing while filling out a 20 page personality assessment and who knows how much other information.
It'll be weird if I get that job. I Work? What are these?
And another sign that I have finally hit adulthood - my grandmother got me a pair of jeans and I liked them. Remember when you were a little kid and you'd get clothes for Christmas? Yeah, grown-ups like that kind of stuff. But I'd still take cash any day.
If any more revelations arise, I'll be sure to jot them down.
But now it's calculus time. Unless it's Macbeth time.

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