Saturday, December 24, 2005

"I can't put my arms down!"

Well, hello everyone. I hope you're all having a wondahful Christmas ... or Christmachanukwanzadan, if you'd prefer to be politically correct. I'll be schlepping all my winter stuff back to Starkville in three weeks. Yay for Intersession.
Well, tomorrow afternoon we'll drive over to my grandparents' house and try to pack everyone in as comfortably as possible. Fortunately there aren't any major ongoing feuds on that side of the family. And of course, there's the annual family picture. We're gonna have to get a bigger room for that before long, depending on how fast the 19-30 singles crowd (i.e. me and four of my cousins) get married. Yikes.
So anyhoo, I hope everyone's Christmas karma has balanced out, possibly leaning toward the "nice" end. See you ... I'm sure sometime this week!

1 comment:

Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

Ramadan was like three months ago... so no need to include that lol. Merry Christmas!