Monday, January 17, 2005

Everything a good secret agent could want, and possibly a little more.

I hope everyone did something today to comemorate (spelling?) the leaps in civil rights that the late great Martin Luther King Jr. helped society in general achieve. I went to the Dairy Queen and Kinkos and was served/assisted by two African Americans. Otherwise I stayed home and basked in the glory of no school. Another important contribution to everyone's life, courtesy of MLK, albeit unintentional.
Ooh, I'm gonna be flamed for that someday...
Well, my constructive activity for the day was printing an Olive Garden application and taking the unusually strenuous online application for Davis Kidd booksellers. Who would've thought my knowledge of who Michael Jordan and Saddam Hussein are would be part of my evaluation as a potential bookseller? Not me, I tell ya that...
Also I had a dream last night about the Hudson River and its tributaries flooding massively. Beware, New York!! And there was a dog. Wasn't one of my dogs, just a random bird dog. Weird.
Well, exams are this week. I'm hoping this will mean nothing for me to do so I might catch up with my reading or compose my choral masterpiece, or maybe film the puppet show of A Farewell to Arms (which was on the book test section of the DK application).
No matter, this time next week I'll be beginning a new round of academia, including a Luna class and the pinnacle of bilingual-ism in the public school system. Spanish IV with Robbie, Francis, and Quincy.
Toodles, and do try to cheer up.

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