Saturday, January 01, 2005

You're not an ordinary fella!

Happy New Year, everyone.
We have entered 2005, which means nobody will have the correct date on any of their checks for about a month, and also that it is time for New Year's resolutions. Mine? I'm glad you asked.
1. tone the flappy muscles on my upper arm. No need to be able to flap them and take off.
2. get a job. And when summer comes, either extend the hours or get a second job.
3. get accepted to all three colleges where I'm applying, but chose based on who's shovelling more cash in my direction.
Wonder of wonders, I gave DDR a go (after all non-resident male personnel left) and I don't suck! In fact, I'm pretty decent on beginner mode. Adri and I got reeeeeeeally excited about the rainbow-y thing.
But now everything below my knees is sore. Perhaps I need new shocks?
And it's hilarious that it's January, but we're running around in tee shirts and sandals, especially after the ice and snow last week.
Tennessee is weird.

We were gonna do something odd and crazy at midnight, so for the splittest of split seconds I contemplated grabbing the person to my right (pretty sure it was Whit) and pulling a Viggo Mortensen, but I abandoned that idea right away. I hope that person's thankful for my discretion.

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