Friday, April 28, 2006

Generally speaking, it's okay to eat fluffy pink blobs.

Semester project: done. Physics test: done. English paper: ... I'll let you know about that one ...
So I'm finally done and my fingers can start healing. I think I may have introduced some pastel into my bloodstream via a few papercuts I received while blending the other day ... Meh. Pin-ups were today. I think I got what I wanted - interest, but not quite enough to send me to jury.
Dennis has pretty much determined that skipping classes early this semester has doomed him to academic suspension. The bad kind. The kind where you can't take classes anywhere - not even a community college - for a year. There's a GIANT "I told you so" wrapped up in there somewhere ...
And yes, I can say "I told you so" ... I've only skipped one class this semester.
But yeah, I'll be working on my English paper this weekend. Hopefully I'll do better than a B- this time. I hate comp. I can do literature, I just hate writing useless papers about how family/feminism/race is portrayed/confronted in a certain set of literary works.
Next time on "Meredith Updates Everyone on Her Life" ...
Will Dennis get to stay in Starkville?
Will Meredith finish her research paper with time to spare?
Will there be a professor fight in juries?
And why was there a pair of fingernail clippers in the washing machine?


Miki said...

Whats the jury?

Myself said...

When members of the faculty look at your work and say "I disagree with how you executed this idea" in front of a large group of students.