Saturday, March 26, 2005

Is she babbling again?

Good morning. It is the second day of spring break for the public school system (woo and yay!), and I need to blog before I forget what happened since Thursday.
I got some financial aid information from Clemson. One of the things they said I qualified for was a loan, and although it wasn't an uber-ridiculous amount, there was still a pretty good chunk of tuition that my parents would have to pay right away, so...
Mississippi State University, you win!
Nathan will be pleased, and the sorority girls won't have to send me so many postcards. They'll be able to attack me on campus.
And that was Thursday.
Yesterday I slept until 11 (ahhhh...) and gave the dogs a bath. The only complication was the horrible state of the garden hose. Let's just say it was tangled in jasmine vines and itself on the funky reel thing...
But the dogs are cleaner than they were. And fluffy.
Last night I went to West Jackson to hear my old band and a couple more. Mark Akin was there, and when anyone who'd seen the band last year asked why he wasn't on stage, he told them he'd been replaced without any notice. Which is pretty much true. Plus he could never make it to practice or he had to leave early. And they just stopped talking to me for the most part. Didn't even bother to get another singer to take my place. Bah.
Let's talk about the fuel situation. With my handy Kroger Plus discount, I was paying $2.199 for a gallon of gas. This is insane, and I don't want to know how high it'll go during the summer. But since I don't have to drive eight hours to Clemson, my budget won't be completely shot on travel.
Enough of that. For those of you who like to hear about my infrequent (but quite vivid) dreams, I had one this morning.
Part one: Marriage is what brings us together today...
Do I get married in a church? No, that would make sense! I get married in the main building of the Jackson Fairgrounds, or something very similar. Fortunately it wasn't during the flea market or a livestock show. I could see some of my friends, relatives, and neighbors sitting in some chairs that had been set up on one side. I'm still 18, by the way.
Ladies, I wish you could've seen the guy I was marrying. Impressive, I must say. Tall (like, my head barely came to his shoulder), dark hair, kinda like Joaquin Phoenix, actually.
So we do the whole getting married bit, which ends this chapter.
Part two: Later that day...
Okay, since part one was the wedding, you know where part two has got to go. Mm hmm, the requisite consumation of the marriage. Yes, Jenn, I had a sex dream. Nice. For a long time it was just sex. Nothing kinky, though, so don't go hysterical on me. Here comes the twist. We finish doing our thing and he leaves the room for a few minutes. And during these few minutes I'm thinking about what I'll change my name to. Dilemma: I can't remember his name! Either I'd never heard it (don't ask how this is possible, it's my unconcious mind's work) or I'd forgotten. I didn't even know his first name, but I managed to fake my way along until later, when I heard one of his friends call him Jack.
Interlude: We're out together, just walking around, when we run into Brandon and Nicole. Brandon is a skinny black guy who works at Sears. Really. Not in the dream, in real life. But anyway, they were at the wedding, and Brandon decides he's gonna have a little fun with Jack (hopefully not too much, because Jack's a muscley guy and Brandon wouldn't stand a chance if he got fed up) and Nicole starts talking with me about God know's what. Really, this part doesn't go anywhere.
Part last: A visit with the family.
Somehow, in the grand scheme of things, I obtain two more younger siblings. Maybe three. No idea what's up with that, but I express my relief that I no longer live with my parents, so all the babysitting falls on Emily and Martin. Mwahahaha!

Later, after careful analysis...
This dream seems to center around college.
Weddings symbolize new beginnings. Makes sense.
The guy is of intimidating size (I'll be at a large school) but I'm completely comfortable with him. My interactions so far with the MSU crew have all been pretty good, so I'll probably get along okay there.
Not knowing the guy's name at all indicates some sort of mental burden - such as waiting around to figure out where I'll be going to college - and hearing his name indicates part of that burden being lifted. By the time I got my final scholarship and financial aid figures, Mississippi was the obvious choice.
Sex represents sex, no matter who you ask.
So what this all boils down to is this: Sometimes we find ourselves in situations we wouldn't have chosen under normal circumstances, but even unknown or unfamiliar situations can turn out good.
Like ending up with a nice-looking farm-boy type. You know what they say, big foot, big ... shoe.

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