Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"One thing I do know, them PENGUINS, they's some funny lookin' birds."

Hello from after my final spring concert. Parking was interesting, as the NAIA tournament was going on at the exact same time as the concert. I parked in the ghetto and walked. Fortunately, the first major storm cell had passed, and I don't think it did much more...
Did I update on the current figures from Mississippi? I don't think so, but if I did, ignore the following few lines.
'K, in addition to the $5000 a year, out of state tuition waiver, and the free housing, I've also received $1500 for study abroad, internships, or some other educational fling. Which brings our total over four years to $52,300. Wow. Big money. And I can't even throw a football straight. :)
So yay. The concert didn't bomb, I wasn't mugged, my car needs brake fluid, and I've got somewhere to go to school.
Also Adrian Jones was there tonight :D
And *gasp* I'm still wearing makeup.
Please pick your jaw up off the floor. Thank you.
Good night.

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