Saturday, March 12, 2005

Monkeys should never be forced to wear undershorts!

Hello, faithful readers! Friday was packed to the gills with all sorts of reportable stuff. I know that makes you very happy.
First, Superintendent Roy Weaver announced that there would be a change of principles at JCM, Andrew Jackson, and Parkview Montessori. The switch was originally intended to take effect Monday. Bad idea, Roy. This incited a protest at JCM and plans were being made by the parents of Andrew Jackson for one today. However, after hearing about the can of stink he'd opened, he made another announcement, stating that the principals would remain at their current schools until the end of this year. Dodging enough bullets like that may promote weight loss.
Two, the members of the ECC youth group began mourning the loss of their friend Sarah Beth Whitehead. It seems my sister also knew her, so she wasn't in the best mood, either. The first case of Meningitis in the Jackson area in seven years.
Three, choral festival. Our crisis was the situation with many of the men's uniforms. Vests were too tight, pants were too big, buttons popping off everywhere. However, we made straight ones for our performances, and the mixed, women's, and madrigal groups made ones in sight reading. The men made a three. They suck when they don't have us. But we were the only group there, so we all warmed up at the same time, performed one after the other, and then went to sight reading. Heh, Helen's car was covered in some celebratory window paint. :)
And then to Adri's party! Too much fun. High school students playing musical chairs (shh! Those chairs don't exist.), pin the eyepatch on Johnny Depp, the Lifesaver game, hide and seek, and going on a scavenger hunt AND a candy hunt. Violent. I got nailed in the nose by a flying Kiss. It's kinda sore. I hope this doesn't result in some weird sinus/nasal disorder. :P Oy, and after we got tired of running around like little kids, we sat around in the den and told of our strange and amusing misadventures and the lore of the schools. Woot. I crashed almost immediately after the rest of the guys left.
So yeah. That's all.

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