Sunday, July 24, 2005

21 Days

I've managed to keep myself very occupied today. Productivity is a good thing. But it hasn't been just the greatest day I've ever had. Sure I got a lot of sorting out of the way before I start packing for college, but PMS, dealing with a dose of Taylor, and watching Squirt throw the cheese sandwich I'd made for her into the floor can really screw things up.
I managed to finish moving my portfolio to Greenstone Multimedia, so that was a good thing. Nice and categorized...
And I burned a buttload of tracks from the Mac and had to upload them one by one (not my choice, there wasn't an option to upload the whole thing automatically) on itunes. Something to the tune of 119.


Miki said...

Hope things get better! *Hug*

Myself said...

I'm going shopping for sweaters later. That always helps.
Really, you'd think Taylor would learn not to provoke something that can bleed for a week without dying.