Sunday, July 10, 2005

Tea and trumpets? Crumpets!

Hello (and bon voyage to Whit and Adri *wave*).
I'm quite over that wonderful stomach bug that shows up every now and again, and I'm ready to join the loyal mob that will petition for the public school arts programs Monday evening. I know of one definite ally on the school board, possibly two. It really helps when there are parents who have/had children in the programs on the chopping block.
Rock on, Mr. Bob and Katie's dad!

This is gonna sound kinda sad, but I just got my first petcare job of the summer. Yeah, now that I have 5 weeks until move-in day. But it's an all week gig, so that'll be nice.

I had another anonymous-man dream. Yeah, it was like visiting day or something at college, and my parents and I were sitting on a patio overlooking some of the grounds, and this guy (I'm wanting to say a pre-law student?) comes up and randomly starts hitting on me. It was weird. Just started trying to make out with me right there...
Odd. But at least he wasn't ugly. I don't make ugly people up very much...

Good night!

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