Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Real world observations.

People are somewhat masochistic by nature. We endure various tortures, from having needles poked through parts of our bodies very quickly, to sitting for hours having ink driven under our skin, to having all of our front teeth ground down to have fakes glued onto them.
The flavor purple is very good.
Superglue can stick your fingers together, but it won't last long.
A few fireworks and a crash test dummy can make for hours of fun.
It is somehow more polite to say "I have to kick you out in a little while" than it is to say "You have to leave before long."
Apple Jacks are just two-toned Fruit Loops.
A few level-headed people without political loyalties could solve all the world's problems.
Darwin's theory of evolution failed to include stupid people. They're everywhere, and more are being born every day.
Watercolor painting and gardening are possibly the best stress-reducers. Bubble baths are good, too.
The inventor of bread must have been made king (or queen) right then and there ... right after being declared a witch.
Without war, there would be no peace. Without NASA, there would be no powdered drinks.
Four-leaf clovers are good luck. Five-leaf clovers are ... ? I may still have the one I found ... somewhere ...

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