Thursday, September 01, 2005

"But you see, gods can play at will. I am a sex god."

Little or nothing happened today, but I figured I'd post something.
Gonna try to come up for the weekend, but if I can't get gas tomorrow, it won't happen. Adri, $5 for fuel is insane, and the trip from Atlanta is, what, 7 hours?
Heather, you be the Hot Dork Girl for Madison County, and I'll be the Sexy Nerd Girl for Oktibbeha County. Just stick to coffee shops and bookstores to find suitable flirting material. Jenn can be whatever she wants for Dancing Rabbit. Miki will just be cold in a couple of months...
Miki, have fun moving back in, and try to make the best of an awkward situation. Never assume something is going to happen until it already has.

Different tangent time. I saw Dennis earlier and we're still cool. One of his friends (who had actually called and interrupted us before dinner Friday) kept yammering about his new girlfriend yesterday. Guys are dense. But anyway, Dennis gave this guy a call while we were walking around the Quad, and guess where he was, hmm? Haha, got what he deserved! (Crazy redhead ;) ) Oh, and he's heard news about his house - minor damage, great shape compared to most of the town.
Here's a smooth post-breakup move: give the girl a handshake the next time you hang out. Mm hmm... [/sarcasm]

All for tonight. Fuel hunting in the morning. After physics, of course...

1 comment:

Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

Shaking hands? Hmm... what possibly told him to do that? It's so... formal. lol