Monday, September 12, 2005

Terry Tate: Office Linebacker

Now, am I mistaken, or are weekends supposed to be for relaxing? Right. Being the frugal type, instead of purchasing a drafting board, I drove to Lowes and got a smooth hollowcore door and had it cut down. Save money there, spend it on a 20-yard roll of 36" wide vellum. But mention design studio at the Chalet (which does exist, I know because I've been there) and they'll give you a discount. Whee, discount!
Anyway, drafting stuff now. Orthographic and paraline drawings this week. It's not hard, just very tedious. OCD on a blank white sheet.
Happier news (at least for me) - I'm back with Dennis. *Prepares for Whit rant*
I swear, he isn't the devil. Just a third cousin of the devil... I'm kidding! Dang...
He treats me well, and I know how to keep him purring like a kitten. A very large kitten. Literally over twice my size...
And yeah. I've got a pretty full week ahead of me. Physics test Wednesday, more studio stuff than should be given to a sane person, who knows what in Comp, freehand, and lab...
Good night, lovelies.

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