Wednesday, September 01, 2004

He's flossing your keys

I'm starting an ant farm in my backpack...
Right. Had an arseload of homework last night, so that's what I did after practicing with some of the old band at Mark's house. We sound pretty good, to tell the truth. Less homework tonight. Whee! And the new format at the Warehouse starts tonight. Whee! So yeah...
I'll probably add some junk to the end of this when I come back home.
Later The USJ uniform story is finally up at CyHigh, along with the mugs and quotes I took for the RANT last week. The money flow that I believed had dried up at the beginning of the summer is starting back up again. I think it's a clever trick to keep me from getting a "real" job. But hey, when you're getting paid, you don't mind so much.
Drew's story is still floating around somewhere in the "post as needed" area of journalism world. I haven't a clue when that will make its way to the site. Doing two stories, a review, a rant, and tossing around ideas for the poll in the space of about a month has almost completely drained my writing creativity, at least for now. Hopefully it will find its way back before we begin our research papers in English. Oy.
Later, later Oh the adventures we have! Jessica locked Becca T.'s keys in her car, so I was like, Hey, my uncle's a locksmith, so we called him. Funny thing was that another one of her friends was about to call my other uncle, also a locksmith. Yeah, it's a small world. So he comes out to the Warehouse, does his locksmith-y magic, and voila! No more locked car. And also around this time Hunter and Danny were chasing Sam around with a metal bat. No, they didn't hurt him, just piled a few sandbags on him in the parking lot.
Yes, I have strange friends.
But I'm gonna go proofread and work on some non-school-related stuff before I go to bed.
Night night!

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