Sunday, August 07, 2005

Does everyone have their plastic Jesus?

Sorry for the ripping-off-ness, Heather, but since Adri is heading out in the morning, it seemed an appropriate title.
Right, so today was my last Sunday as a full-time resident of J-town. I got to say goodbye to a bunch of the crew from the Warehouse this morning. The Poes got back in town last night, and Becca brought me an Oxford t-shirt. And then she gave me a packet of oatmeal. Supposedly to get me off on the right foot as far as hair-growing is concerned. Straightened (as I discovered this afternoon), it now reaches the bottom of my shouler blades. About the length I'm aiming for when it's curly. So yeah, I'm also well on my way to being able to afford the happy bass pack.

We successfully surprised Adri. There must've been at least a dozen of us piled into her living room when she came home. Lots of reminiscing, including past plays and choral events, all of the science classes with Heather and Whit, and having the "flaming bags of poo" explained in eighth grade. To top it off, the power went out a little before sundown, so those of us remaining sat around in the dark sharing "warm and fuzzies." A very fitting adieu, I think. And then Grant and I were blinded by the chandelier when the power came back. Ouch.

So Adri, have fun, and I hope you have most of what you need, because it would suck to get down there and realize you forgot something essential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for coming! i loved having you there.