Sunday, August 28, 2005

Drowning in a parking lot.

Got this in my inbox earlier tonight. Ethernet isn't working in my wing, so if the wireless craps out, I'm not gonna be informed. Technology can suck so bad!


The National Weather Service has issued a Hurricane Advisory for the Starkville area beginning on Monday and extending into Tuesday. Hurricane Katrina, a Category 5 Hurricane is expected to make landfall along the Louisiana coast sometime Monday. The Starkville area is expected to be affected between Monday and Tuesday, with hurricane-force wind gusts beginning Monday night through the day on Tuesday as the hurricane moves into Mississippi. We are advising residents to take all necessary precautions in preparation for this storm:

-Please bring all outdoor items indoors by Monday. If high wind gusts are present, outdoor items can become dangerous if they are picked up and carried by wind.
-Please ensure you have flashlights, batteries, water, and ready-made food available in the event of power outages. Please avoid using candles during power outages because they are prohibited.
-If weather conditions become dangerous, please seek shelter indoors, away from windows.
-Use common sense when deciding whether or not to travel in hazardous conditions.
-Stay tuned to local and national weather updates. Remember, hurricanes can produce damaging wind, flooding, and tornados.
-Please remain indoors if debris or downed power lines are present.

If MSU announces closings, it will be posted on the MSU website, but no such announcement has been made at this time. Campus officials will meet on Monday to decide what steps are appropriate in preparation for this storm. Please check the MSU website periodically throughout the day tomorrow for any announcements.

See you guys once we've dried out. I plan to come up Friday night.


Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

So lucky to have your own car.

Try not to drown or get blown away!

Myself said...

Slept in, missed physics. Meh.
Anyway, they're closing campus at noon, so no studio today. But I do have to get back on the ball and finish some neglected homework.

Anonymous said...

I happened upon your blog by chance...and I'm glad I found it!
You've got some great stuff here. Way to go!

I have a North Carolina Mesothelioma Lawyer
blog. It covers interesting stuff about North Carolina Mesothelioma Lawyer.
Come and check it out if you get time ;-)

Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

More splog! That was not me. Evil! *gets out a sledgehammer and ice pick* Die, sploggers.... DIE!

Anonymous said...

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Heather said...

wow, you attract splog like i attract slightly abnormal people.

*gets her trusty drafting board and joins nick in the splog attack*

Miki said...

Does this even qualify as splog, or is it just people who live their lives through thier computers? Why would people even read blogs of people they don't know? I certainly wouldn't care about lawyers or weight control. You people are weirdos. Ok Mere, hopefully I've seriously offended all your anonymous fans and deterred any more splog.

Nicholas Bauer, PhD said...

They're probably automated programs, not actual people. So unfortunately, they won't be insulted :-p